FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover

"Untitled" hehe sorry could'nt think of one.


Finally the day of the festival everyone was having fun until they came.

"What are you doing here?"asked Mina who was getting ticked of they were finally having fun."We should be asking you the exact same thing?"he said back."Well we happen to live here smart guy."said Rini."oh yeah"*sweatdrop*

"Well actually we came to talk to Himeko."they allturned to her in surprise."Me?"her eyes widended in surprise.The girls did'nt like this but they left anyway.


"So what do you what."she said as she tried her hands she was helping Lita at her cooking booth."For one thing I want to say thank you for saving my life and that were sorry for running away like that."said Sakura."apolagy ecepted."she said."And we will explain if you keep it a secret."Li said looking at her strait in the eyes."I will if you will."

"I wonder what thier talkinf about?"asked Serena."Yeah and why only Himeko?"said Lita."Don't know Lita but I think we should keep our eyes on them."added Mina.


"So now were even okay?" "Okay." "So you guys are super hero huh?" "Yep." "Wow it must be cool to battle evil every day."said Sakura dreamaliy."Yeah I wish there were two of me so I could video tape that."said Madison brightly.*sweatdrop* "Madison"."Well it's not all it's cracked up to be actully somtimes you don't hear from the enemy for weeks sometimes,so you always have to have your eyes pealed." "And then there's bieng fromthe future so your homesick sometimes and...oops."she stoped she did'nt meen to tell them that."Yor from....the future."said Sakura."Well um...okay I'll explain...you see me and Rini are from the future were Serena and Mina's future daughters.We came here to start our Sailor training and....."but she was interupted."Hey Himeko sorry you guys have'nt seen me in a wihile but I had alot of work and....hey who are you guys?" "hmmm?Oh!this is Sakura Li and Madison."she introduced them."Guys this is Darien Serena's boyfriend."

"Darien!" "Darien!" called Serena an Rini who amedetly hugged him."Darien what are you doing here."she said looking up from the hug."Yeah tell us."contiunded Rini."Well I finally finished my work soo I decided to see how all you guys were."Then eveyone started talking."Umm Himeko?"someone taped her shoulder.It was Li."Umm can I talk to you?"So they walked away alittle bit to a tree.

"Soo what did you want to talk about?"she asked."Well have you got this wierd feeling like we've met before?"he asked.Suddenly she remembered her dream."Well actually yeah.I had a dream from the day before I came here to start my training.My mom was talking about a letter she had gotten from my dad.He wanted to make me get betrothed and the wierdest thing is is that the kid my mom said his name was....well was you."His eyes widened in surprise and grief."I like you and all Li but...I know that you really really like Sakura." his eyes widened even bigger with a blush."Were in th world did you get that cray idea?"he said trienig not to let her see his face."O come on I've seen the way you look at her.And the way you act around her and anyways I am the daughter if the Goddess If Love And Buety so natrually can sense these things."she said wih a wink."And anyways I don't even know if my mom said yes or not.So we not might even be engaged." "Hold on would'nt I be like really old then?" he asked."Well tecnachly no,you see there was this huge ecalogial dissaster ans everyone fell opon and eternal sleep until Princess Serena took the throne and for some reason no one aged until a couple a years after."she explained."

"Hey!Himeko!Li!"Everyone ran up to them.They were worrined when they all stopped talking they were gone.

"Why did you run off?"asked Amye."Oh we could'nt hear ourselfs talk so we left,that's all." "oh" "Hey were's Madison?"asked Sakura looking around."I don't know I thought she was with you?"said Himeko.


"Oh wow is'nt this painting buetiful."said Madison.She had walked of and was looking at paintings."It says it's by......Rini!No way!wow I did;nt know she could daw."

Meanwhile the Amazons were looking for their next target."Palla Palla look! that girl is looking at a picture of a pegasus." "Hey do you think..." "She's the one."finished Jun Jun.

"Ummm exuse me miss but do you like pegasus's"Palla Palla asked."Oh! yes there're so cut but my friend Sakura is more." "Oh then you must come see this buetiful painting!"she exclaimed.Tomoyo hesitated."Oh!i'am sorry I have'nt even told you my name it's....it's....umm....Para..yeah that's it Para!" "And my my name it Madison."Then they walked off.

"Madison!" "Madison!" "Oooh were could she be it's not like her to wonder off like that."said Sakura.


"ummmm why are we all the way out here shiuld'nt it be at the festival?"asked Madison.They were in a wood of Sakura trees."Oh no!It's here you see the artist keeps a low profile." {Now's my chance}she thought."Shotgun Balls!"she yelled."What the..."she turned aroud.Her eyes widedned at what she saw."AAAAAHHHHH!"her dream mirror was taken out."Dandit not again!" "Madison No!"it was Sakura and the others."Oooowww great, Lemure! come out and perform but fisrt get rid of the girl."said Ves Ves.And with that they vanished.


"Ready Sailor Scouts?" "Mercury Crystal Power"Mars Crystal Power "Jupiter Crystal Power" "Venus Crystal Power!" "Moon Crisis Power"Earth Crystal Power!" "Make Up!"

It was about to kill her when..."Hold it right there!Were're the Pretty Sailor Soldiers that stand for Love,Jusitce and peolples dreams!So in the name of the moon and Future moon we shall punsish you!"

"Mercury Aqua Rasbody!" "Go it...Huh?!"

"Earth Hurricane Destuction!" "What?!"

Nothing was working against.Shehad sorounded them in some sort of protective force field.


"Finally I can finsh my job."it said.It turned around."Madison No!" "Key of Clow Realese!" "Mirror! O mirror make a copy of Madison." "What?!"it was confused there were two of them.

Meanwhile the Sailor Scouts were trying to break the barrier..*Click click click* went amy's computer."Got it!" "Sailor Venus!Aim at her right wrist." "Got it!" "Venus Love and Buety Shock!" "AAHH!" The barrier was broken."Now Sailor Moon!" "You got it!" "Moon Gorgues Meditation!" "Stage Out!"yelled the lemure as it was destroyed.Madison's mirror went back into her body."Madison! Sakura ran to her friend."Huh?"there wee two."Oops,Mirror return!"the card flew into her hand."Madison."she gave her best freind a hug.The Sailor Scouts just smiled.Earth walked over to Li."You might be next,so watch your back okay?"she wispered in his ear."Okay."he wispered back.

"Well I'am starved!"yelled Serena.*Sweatdrop* "Serena you always are."said Rini.They were about to argue but Lita bumped in."How about I make cookies and dinner, okay?" "Yeah!"they both yelled.Flinging thier arms in the air.They all changed back."Lets Go!"they shouted."You can come to guys?"asked Himeko."Yeah the more the marier."said Raye."Well...."Li looked to Sakura.She nodded and smiled a sweet smile.He blushed a

little"Okay." "Yeah!"and they were off.



Feeh!Finally finished took me almost two weeks.I got kinda side tracked.And then school (yuuck!)But I finally finished it.


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