FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover

"Hidden Amazon Cove"

"Yeah I love the beach!" exclaimed Sakura.They were at the beach now.9Don't ask me how they got there.)Everyone was having fun.Playing beach ball,swimming....but Li was starring at some cave in the distance.

"Hey,what's wrong Li?"asked Sakura."Nothing it's just that cave........"

She looked at to were he was starring."Oh!Li there is no clow card now come on lets play."and she draged him of to the others.Luckly Sammy had gone so he was'nt the only guys with eleven girls,I mean 4 sisters,but 11,no way!

But Li was still lost in thought.This time Himeko noticed it."Hey was wrong?"she asked,peeking over him shoulder."It's just that cave......."she looked to were he was looking."Hmmmmmm"she closed her eyes and folded her hands."I'am getting really strange vibes coming from there,do you wanna check it ou?I don't think thet'll mind if we're gone."she wink.

"So they swam till they reached to cave.But when they were climbing Himeko scrached her knee bad."Owww!"she groaned as they reached the top.Li turned around and knelt down beside her."Oooow looks bad."he said litly touching."OOWWW!don't do that!"she screamed."Oops sorry.hm?"he turned his head."What is it Li?"she asked."I....sense something."he said."Hmmm?"she got up weakaly."Come on lets go inside."she said limping in.Li nticed."Hey!you should stay off that."he said."I'am okay really."she said trying to hold back on showing pain."Now come."and she limped inside.But when they got in.

"Wow!"exclaimed Li."Could this be......The Amazon's Lair!"exclaimed Himeko.Just then four figiures emerged and they both hid behind some rocks.

"Hmm.Now we gotta find the next target before granny has our hids."said Jun Jun."*sigh* Iknow Iknow bu we can't find him anywere and....."but she stopped seeing a foot being pulled behind a rock."aaaahhh.And who might you be?"she asked.They turned around and ran but they got them."Ah Ha the target!"exclaimed Ves Ves pionting to Li."What?!no way leave him alone slim bags!" "Move!"yelled Cere Cere blasting her against the wall making her faint."Himeko!"yelled Li but it was to late they got him.

"Hm?,wer'res Li?"asked Sakura."Yeah,and were's Himeko.Just then the heard a scream."What was that?!"

Himeko strained to get up,the pain was so bad.But she finally did.And what she saw frighted he.Li had had his dream mirror takken out."Oh no."she weakly.

"I....have....to.....help." "Earth Crystal Power Make Up!"and she transformed into Super Sailor Earth.

"Stop right there Amazons!" "Hih?"they turned aroung to see Sailor Earth."What?!but how?!" "We have our ways and now realese him right now!O n behaf of truth and behaf of justice I will punish you.In the name of the future moon!Ow!"her knee was till injured."Aaah easy prey guys.she's injured."said Cere Cere.Himeko was just struggling to stand how couls she possibly beet all four of them.She had no choice she had to protect Li.

"Eath Hurricane Destrustion!"it was easly dodged by Cere Cere."I want a 1on 1 with Sailor Earth."said Cere Cere.The others were socked.'Cere Cere...." "I said 1on1 amazons!"she yelled.And they dissapered."If you want him back....then beat me first."she said.

She took a deep breath."You want it you got."she answered."Earth Tornado Cyclone!" "Flower bomb!"yelled Cere Cere and she was beaten.{I have one more shot}thought Himeko.She nelt down."Holy night pegausus please hepl me protect everones dreams.......Star Yell!!!!"Cere Cere screamed as the attack hit her her but she dissapered.Li was freeed.Himeko smiled then fainted from lack of energy.

"Li!!" "Himeko!"everybody ran to them.They had both fainted.Sakura had remembered about the cave so went to see if they were there.Sure enoughjt she was right.But when they both woke up they were back at Rayes."Oww.I've got a mogor head ache."groaned Himeko."Yeah me to."agreeed Li."You've been out it for a while.Tell us what happened.Himeko you were in you Sailor uniform when we found you two.Himeko remebered the cave."*gasp*The cave!It's the Amazons Lair!."she said.Everybody laighed."It looked like aregular cve tomus ."said Mina."Bu....but" 'We asure you nothing was there.You must ben dreaming.They prably attacked you but it was not thier lair guys."said Serena"Bu.....but*sigh*they'll never believe."sighed Himeko.So both Himeko and Li enjoyed thier last night together.For tomarrow he and Sakura and Madison shall leave.

Short huh?Well did you like it?I sure enjoyed writing this one.I have'nt even finshed the fic yet and I'am already thinking up a seguel!Well sorta,but you might see.I might not post with school and all.I will probalt write it just no post and edit maybe break though.Well seeya!



Preview Of Next Episode:

Sigh the day has finally come.

We must leave.

Sigh I wish we could stay longer.

Ther're leaving today.

Well it was gonna come sooner or later.

Well....I guess this is goodbye......for now

Next Time On the Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover:

"A Flowery Goodbye Till The Future"


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