FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover

Future Reunion

"Rini!Himeko!"yelled Neo Quen Serenity.They were both back in the future now Rini's aunt Nehelria has been healed.Himeko came back from the past after finding where Sailor Pluto was after she left the gates of time.But now her and Rini were depressed they missed Elois and Kakeru.They wondered if they would ever see them againThey had lost contact ever since that day.....................


"Hey wait!We hav'nt told you about ourselfs,ours our draems!"

"Ypou'll see them agian!"yelled Mina from behind.

Himeko and Rini stoped running."We will see you agian the day when our dreams come true."said Rini almost a wisper.They just looked up at the sky wathcing the the blue sky,the color of Kakeru's eyes,the colour of blue.

"In the rainbow I can see colours of misbelief thirer is only one for me and it will forever be."

"The colour of reminds me of you I never see gray green black your true the colour of blue no other will do in my heart."


"Rini Himeko Princess...."they wee both day dreming and did'nt hear Ruby and Diana's calling.But they finally snaped out of it.

"Yes?"Rini peaked out her room."Oh!Rini there you are we nedc to tell you something." "Okay."her and Himeko walked out of the room to the waiting roomm.

"So wat is it mom?"asked Himeko."Well it seems that a very powerful magition is coming for a couple of days to do business with me and yuor father rini." "Yeah that happens all the time so what's the big new?" "Well she's not the onlyone coming ot seems that her son Li and his girlfriend Sakura are coming to."said Mina.At the voice of those names Rini and Tori shot up from thier seats"Ther coming here?!Wow this is so great!Oh thatnk you sooo much mom!"Himeko gave her mom a big hug."But how do you koethem."asked Serena."We met them in the past."said Rini."Oh you dideah,well that's not it seems that Li and his cousin Meilin are very good fighters so Himeko you will be training with Li,I don't now for sure if Meiling is coming or not,butyou twowill be seperated for a while."At hearing this thier eyes widend.They were best friends,practiclly the only kids in the palcace,and seperating them they were like twins."Bu....but why mom?"asked Himeko."Because you need to work on you fighting skills and Rini does'nt as much as you do,Rini will be qeun one day,and you will be the leader of the Sailor Scouts,if the others have any daughter of course."said Mina."Oh....."she said slitley depressed.

"Rini!Were's my locket!"yelled Himeko.The day had finally come Li and Sakura were coming.Himeko was in her Super Scout Uniform and was looking for her Cresent Moon Locket."Rini have you sure you hav'nt I saw you looking at it earler."she peeped into Rini's room now.Rini was hindidng something behind her back."Rini dear.......what are you hiding?.........""No....nothing.'' "Rini!Give it back!That's my power sourse!"and thay got onto a fight chacing achother yelling and screamin was heard throughout the palace.The were going through the courtyard now,which was also a sercret entrance to palace."Rini give back right now!!"screamed Himeko,she had stoppped she was to tired from running."OK...OK here."and she handd it back."Thankyou and-"but they heard a creking sound and whispering."W....what's that?"askd Rini."I...i don't knoe let's go chack it out.

Sothay walked slowly to were the talking was bieing hear.But whan they got there...."Li!"yelled Himeko.Li was talking to Sakura,but looked up when his name was heard."Himeko?" "Li!"she giggled and ran up to him and Sakura before noticing his mom,but she finally did."Oh please exus me,I'am the daughter of the sailor soldier of venus,Junior Lady."she intro duced her self."But I prefer Hime-chan."she wispered."Hello I'am the daughter of Neo Quen Serenity and King Darien,I am Small Lady Serenity,ChibiUsa."Rini intoduced herself."And it is very nice to meet you to lady's

"Misses Showron!"yelled someone from behind."Mama!"squeled Himeko."I'am so vey sorry were late,but something has come up,I think the girls will be vey intressted in."winked Venus."Huh?"the girls were confused,just then they heard a big bang wich surprised them all."Get going you two the others are waiting I will be there shortly."and with that Rinianf Himeko ran off,on the way Ruby and Daina came running beside them."So what's going on riby?"asked Himeko."Some monsters from an unown world are attacking the palace."said Diana."Now Rini transoform!"said Himeko."HUH?oh yeah." "Moon Crisis Power!"and she trasofrmed into Chibi Moon.But what they did notknow was that Li and Sakura were following them.

When the girls got there......

"Stop right there slease bag!"the monter wivh looked like a cat turned aroound."We are the Sailor soldier who protect this palace,and you are not welcome,so in the name of moon we shall punish you!Sailor Earth,and Sailor Chibi Moon!"

"Ah but you won't punish me after you see what I have."the monter stuck out it's hand and a bubble apered with..........."Elois!" "Kakeru!"

"Let them go right now!"yelled Mini moon."Sailor Earth!If we cAN DEFET HER we can brek the buble!"siad Sailor Mercury."We will not let you hurt the ones we love!Right mini moon?" "Right!" "Twinklw......Yell!!" "Star......Yell!"They had defeaten the monter but....."What's going on?!"the battlefgield seemed to be shacki ng somhow."Kakeru!""What's going on?" "Just leae." "No!were not leaving."she hugged him but him and elois disaperede."Hih?No!"

"Mom what's is all this?"asked Himeko."I don't know but it seems tht we have a new enemy."she replied."So you two will have to help us,okay?" "Okay!" "Rini....you have to be extra carful we don't know what this new enemy wants,so Himeko you will have to guard her as you duety." "Okay." "We wanna help to."said Sakura."What?no you van't this does'nt consrn you and what if you get hurt?It's not like captureing clow cards." "We know but we wana help sorta like a thank you kay?" Himeko was about to say no but."When sh puts hermind to it no is not and answer."said Li."Kay."she sighed."Yay!" "But we still have to keep our skeducul,so Sakuar Rini will fill you in and Li your with me okay?" "okay." so theywent to wee they sopposednto go.

"The Colour Of Blue"is song by Sclub7 not me!I thought would go real good so I used it ok?

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