FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Pretty Soldiers Of the Future

"Combat Training"

It was mid morning when somthing clanking awoke Himeko."What*yawn*is that?"she gasped."Oh no Li!"she got dressed and ran outside to see Li practing him sword.She sighed a sigh of releif."Li!you scared me!"she yelled.He stopped."Oh hi Himeko."he said."Whatcha doing?"she asked."Oh just practicing,well wanna start?"he asked."Start?start what?,......Oh!yeah sure,Earth Crystal-""Waht!"she yelled."You don't need to transofm,did'nt your mom say that you need combat training,using yoiur powers is'nt part of it." she sighed okay,but let me get dressed first,so she ran inside tochange.

"Okay lets get started."she put her hair up in one bun insead of two,and a long lock of braided hair came down the side of her head."Ummmm I don't need a sword do I?"she asked."No we just need to work on your fightig skills." "What's qrong with my fighing skills?!" "No.....nothing,nothing at all,first just show me what you've got before we start."he said."Are ya sure?"she asked."yeah." "Well it's kinda hardif your just standing-wow!"Li had sended lightig at her but she dodged just i time."Hey!wathc it okay?!" "Behind you!" "Huh?"Liwas right behind her sendind a kick,but she jumoed out of the way.
"Now show me what you've got." "Earth Crystal Power!" "Earth Tiara Flash!"Li dodged."Is that all you got." "Hmph Earth tiara flash!" and it tured aroud and landed right in front of Li."very good."he said.Then his eyes widened."Hm?oh ,li it was'nt that good."but he pointed behind her.She slowly turnedher head to see a scaly lizard monster.She jumped behind it."Li run!"she yelled."Noway we agreed to help you!
he ye;lled back."Well help by running inside and getting scoutsa NOW!"SHE SCREAMED.he ran inside to get help."You want me you got me." "Earth Tornado Cyclone!"that bounded it."Nice work!"said Ruby rnning up to her."Ruby!thanks but I don't know how long it will last."the monster was starting to break free."Go get my Tiara!"she yelled.uby ran into the bushes to retieve her tiara.

"Fire Card!Release!"then a burst of fire attacked the monster,it scrwamed in agony."sers earf!"muffled Ruby with her tiara in her mouth.she tossed it up to Himeko."Thanks Ruby Moon."said Sailor Earth."No time for thanks vangush it now!"she yelled."Right!,Earth Taira Flash!"and the monste desina =grated.Wich mad Sakura cringe.

"Princess Himeko!" "Hime-chan!"all the scouts inclueding Rini ran up to them."I prefear Himeko."she siad putting her hands on her hips."Were's the monster?"asked Sailor Mars."Gone thanks to Sakura."she said.

Later that evening......"I wonder how Sakura's magic worked against the monster?"said Ruby."That a god question Ruby Moon."siad Himeko."Don't cll me thta PRINCESS!"SHE yelled."What do you mean?"asked Li."Well Sakura's magic is diffreb=nt from ours so it is strange how it efected the monstwe."said Neo quen Serenty(If you had;nt fuessed they aeveating dinner."Maybe.....the two worlds have crossed your magesty."siad Misses Showron."Oh please call Serena."she said.

But what they did notknow was that two worlds did colide.And now a whole new kind of evil was born.With a mission,to capture the chosen ones............

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