FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

"What do you mean 'I have felt your pain too'?" Tomoyo asked.
"Well, now that I know that I am not alone, I guess the weight is
lighter, don't you think? Plus I have someone to confide with," he smiled
"You're right Eriol," Tomoyo smiled back. The bell rang, and they
both went to class. Tomoyo was very happy. Glad to get all that off my
shoulders.....Thank you Eriol..........she thought to herself. Sakura, who
matured and is not as clueless as she had been in fifth grade, had noticed the
sadness of Tomoyo's eyes. However, she had the impression that Tomoyo
didn't want to confide or deal it to her, so Sakura let her best friend find
own way out. Now she has seen her childhood friend smile for the first time
in a long time. Sakura was happy to see her friend happy too (I know, I
know, this sounds corny, but it's the best that the worst fanfic writer in the
world can come up with). "Why don't we go to the library?" Sakura
"Wherever she's going, I'm going," Syaoran replied.
"Sure," Eriol and Tomoyo answered.
"Yay!" Sakura cried out. As they walked down the library, Sakura and
Syaoran held hands. "Syaoran, do you think that Tomoyo is being very
depressed lately?" she whispered.
"Yea, and so is Hiirigizawa-kun," he replied.
"Eriol-kun?! But I was see a warm smile on his face," she surprisingly
said. Syaoran was ticked off by that sentence a bit, but thought it was
silly to
still be jealous because Sakura is HIS girlfriend. "Sakura, Li-kun, what are
you guys whispering about?" Tomoyo asked. Sakura and Syaoran
sweatdropped. "Uh, we were uh, uh, uh, uh," Syaoran stuttered while
quickly thinking of an excuse.
"Planning a secret wedding! Syaoran and I are going ahead, bye!"
Sakura quickly shouted and dragged Syaoran off to a nearby corner. Eriol
and Tomoyo were left with their eyes wide open in confusion. "What's the
big idea Sakura?" Syaoran asked.
"You said you agreed with me that Tomoyo seems different right?"
Sakura asked.
"Yea," he replied.
"Well, if she really is her normal self, she'll suspect us testing her
investigate," she explained.
"You are becoming more clever everyday," Syaoran complimented.
"Too bad I wasn't clever enough to realised that you liked me," she
said in a hurtful voice.
"It's all right, you were really dense back then," Syaoran smiled.
"Hmmm, I wonder what that was about..................." Tomoyo
wondered. Sakura and Syaoran were shocked a bit. "Tomoyo-chan............."
Sakura said. Eriol too began to worry. As they entered the library, the kid
section was having a story time. Sakura hung around to see what the fairy
tale was about. "I wonder if she knows she's in seventh-grade," Syaoran
"Sakura will always be Sakura," Eriol smiled. That peeved off
Syaoran, and went over to the study hall. Tomoyo was at Sakura's side
listening to the story as well. It was about an orphan with three friends.
was a traveling wizard, one was a magician, and one was a sorceress. The
traveler never smiled and was always serious. The magician however always
smiled and was very kind towards the sorceress that was always hyper but
very dense. It was funny how the traveling wizard became very jealous of the
wizard. In the end the traveler and sorceress fell in love. They all went
seperate ways, but still contacted each other just to keep in touch.
Unfortunately, the little orphan was very upset. She thought for the rest of
her life she would have someone beside her. Syaoran interrupted them and
dragged Sakura off to study hall so she can do her homework in peace.
Tomoyo followed, but kept wondering, I wonder what had happened to that
little orphan.................she seems to be just like me..............all
alone..... For
the whole day, Tomoyo buried her nose into books, big books, big and thick
books, really big and thick books. At the end of the day, she decided to
remain to check out some more books. Eriol too remained, hoping to help his
friend in need. "Tomoyo, is there something wrong?" he asked.
"All these books are way too easy to read, that's what's wrong,"
Tomoyo replied.
"No, really," Eriol pressed on.
"One day that curiosity is probably going to lead you to a broken heart
that's from the one you love," she giggled.
"You still feel alone don't you?" he asked.
"I guess................but I am much better than I was before. I have
to confide in!" she smiled. Eriol's heart skipped. What the heck?!....Why
my heart stop for second?..............he panicked. Eriol thought he is
a cold, so he went back home. Tomoyo remained looking out the window
and sighed. The weather had seemed to change into Tomoyo's expression. It
became cloudy and it began to rain. Then Tomoyo noticed a black umbrella
leaning on the table. "Eriol probably knew it was going to rain and brought
this along just in case. He probably also forgot it," she said to herself.
Eriol was still in sight, she ran towards him through the rain. "Eriol!!!
forgot your umbrella!!!" she shouted. As Eriol turned around, Tomoyo
slipped on a wet cobblestone. She sat up. "Itai (ouch)............" they
"Oh!" Tomoyo exclaimed as she noticed that she was sitting on Eriol.
"Gomen-nesai (sorry) Eriol! Daijobu (are you okay?)"
"Yes, I'm fine," he said as she got off him.
"Liar," Tomoyo accused.
"Pardon?" he asked. She grabbed his hand and showed it to him.
"See?" she pointed out. It was scraped. A little blood was trickling down.
"Oh, I see," he said in a low voice.
"I should've been more careful. You left your umbrella, I was thinking
of giving it back, and you were already going, so I rushed out to give it
you. I
was afraid that you would get a cold by just walking home in the rain,"
Tomoyo explained while bandaging his hand with a hankerchief.
"Well, I guess we're both wet!" Eriol laughed. They both laughed.
Her smile is so warm and peaceful...........For once I can see her very
happy...........Eriol thought happily. "There!" Tomoyo annouced as she
finished bandaging the hand.
"Excuse me?" Eriol asked.
"I used my hankerchief to bandage your hand for the mean time Eriol,"
she explained.
"Arigato (thank you)," he replied.
"You really are like an English gentleman. Always soooo polite,"
Tomoyo smiled.
"As a matter of fact, I come from England," Eriol chuckled. They both
sat on the wet cobblestone laughing, and for once feeling very happy.
Tomoyo and Eriol had forgotten their loneliness, and all they could do was

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