FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

As the dawn of Sunday peeped through Eriol's window, he opened his
eyes, sat up, and yawned. As he sat in his king size bed, he looked at his
hand. The hankerchief was still there. He took the time to examine it. The
hankerchief was violet with white flowerings. His pulse rate went higher.
"Doshde(why)? My heart is beating faster......." Eriol wondered. He sat
there staring blankly at the hankerchief. There was a small tap on the door.
"Come in Spinel," Eriol ordered.
"Eriol would you like pancakes or waffles for breakfast?" he asked.
"Pancakes please," Eriol requested. As Spinel left the room, Eriol
washed up and changed to go downstairs and eat. While that was being
done, he stuffed the hankerchief in his pocket. "What a beautiful morning!"
Nakuru exclaimed.
"I guess so," Eriol sighed.
"You guess so?! Eriol! You always have a cheerful look on you every
morning! What's wrong?!" she asked (remember, in my version of the fanfic,
Nakuru is a female, not a male).
"Nothing," he replied.
"Is it a girl?" she pressed on.
"Sort of. I'm kind of well, worried about her. She's always sad and
lonely now that her best friend has someone else, and her parents are always
away on business trips," Eriol explained.
"Oh I see! You like Tomoyo!" Nakuru guessed.
"No! Nakuru, you are wrong," he denied with his face turning pink.
"You're right! I was wrong! You don't like Tomoyo, you *love* her!"
she squealed.
"You are hopeless!" he sighed. However, Eriol had took that into
consideration. Tomoyo is a good friend to me, but that day she fell on the
sidewalk with me, she seemed happy........and there was this warm feeling
that I felt.......I wonder if Nakuru was right......Maybe.....maybe, I do like
Tomoyo more than a friend...........Eriol thought. Nakuru's words echoed in
his brains for days. It started to annoy him.
On Wednesday, Tomoyo went to school happily, humming Yoru No
Uta (Song of Night). "Ohayo(good morning) Eriol!" she cried happily.
"Ohayo Tomoyo," he smiled. Their moods were great. As they
entered the classroom, he stopped her. "Ano (um) you might want this back,"
he handed the hankerchief to her.
"Arigato (thank you)," Tomoyo replied and took it. After school, the
gang decided to go to Delicacies. Guess who their waiter is this time?
Touya! The man of a thousand part time jobs! "What do you want kaijuu
(monster)?" he grunted.
"The VOSS (variety of small sanwhiches)," Sakura said sweetly as she
kicked Touya's foot. He groaned in pain. As Syaoran placed his arms
around Sakura (purposely to annoy Touya), they started a glaring contest. "I
wonder how this is going to work out when they get married," Tomoyo
whispered in Eriol's ear. He laughed and agreed. They both walked home
together, while Sakura and Syaoran went the other direction. As they
walked, sometimes their hands brushed against eachother. Tomoyo's pulse
raced, and quickly held onto a strap on her backpack to occupy her hands.
She glanced at Eriol several times, but looked away quickly before he could
catch her. Why am I doing this?........It's not that I like him as a, a,
boyfriend....He's just a friend........she thought. Although Tomoyo kept
denying it, she knew deep down inside that she did like him more than as a
friend. When she was lonely, he invited her to have some tea and keep her
company. When she was sad, he let her cry on his shoulder. It just wasn't
the time to let that part open up. As Tomoyo reached home, she plopped on
her bed sighing, "What should I do?" Back at Eriol's house, he was making a
shiny bracelet with tiny bells that rang sweetly for Tomoyo. He wanted to
ask her to the Winter Fantasia. The following morning, he found a note in his
locker. It read:
Dear Hiiragizawa Eriol,
I like you very much, and I wish you to consider my feelings.
Meet me at the school rooftop at 6 PM.
(I know, it's a crappy letter, but screw it, I suck at love letters!) When
started, Eriol couldn't stop thinking of the letter. He tried figuring out
wrote it. This person must've been very clever because she typed it and
printed it out. As break arrived, Eriol didn't hesistate to express his
to Tomoyo, but the words to get out, so instead of telling her his emotions,
asked her to go to the Winter Fantasia with him. "Gomen (sorry), I have
someone else in mind.............." she sadly said and rejected the
Eriol asked her to take the bracelet anyway, and she did. At six o'clock, the
sun had set and the moonlight had rose. Everything was pitch black already.
Eriol stood on the rooftop feeling nervous. He was sad that Tomoyo rejected
him, but maybe he would consider to go with the person that liked him.
Whenever he he thought of that, his heart was killing him like if it was
"No! No, no, no! You love Tomoyo instead! You know that it's wrong to
have feelings for another girl than Tomoyo!" Suddenly, he saw a shadow.
Someone was in the backround, but the shadows covered her. "Are you the
one who wrote me the letter?" Eriol asked. The shadow seemed to nod. He
hesitated and thought about this situation over and over. Finally, he
"I know you like me very much, but I can't be with you. I have a special
person that I love, and she is Tomoyo Daidoji. Even though she doesn't have
the same feelings for me, I will still love her, and I will always be there
her whether she is glad or sad. Her happiness is my happiness and her
sadness is my sadness. Sorry," he answered. Then he heard tiny bells jingle
as the figure stepped forward. You guessed it, Tomoyo was the one (kind of
obvious, but oh well). As she stepped right in front of him, she asked,
"Really?" Not even saying a word, he swung his arms around her waist and
kissed her on the lips. "Daisukie (I love you)," he whispered in her ear,
"Would you go the Winter Fantasia with me?"
"Yes," she murmered, "and I want what Sakura and Syaoran have......"
"I do too.........." he mumbled, and kissed her again. It was sweet and
soft as if time had stopped forever just for them in the light of the shining

Finally!!!!! I am done!!!!!!! Now to finish the other half of the next
that I started months before! I know the ending is different, but if you
compare it, don't you think them kissing in the moonlight is way better than
him just sweeping off her feet for an ending?

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