FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Ok, well, my inbox got full enough with desperate pleas for a sequel, I decided to give in. (Finally.) I hope you like this, cause the chances of another chapter are very small.



I don't own it,

yadda yadda yadda,

blah blah blah,

and a lot of other depressing stuff.




*Flashback* (Duh) (Also goes for *Flash*)

[Editor's notes]



The Days After

Chapter one (Don't get your hopes up, I have a lot of other fics, you know.)


"I'm going back to Hong Kong the day after tomorrow."


"Goodbye, Sakura"

"Goodbye, Li...."


"I love you....."


"Why did you have to leave......"



"Oh, Li, how I miss you."


"I'll visit him in Hong Kong!"


"....I just decided to take a trip."


"That's going to leave a mark."


"Ohmygod, WHAT a HOTTIE! Can I have himm? PLEASE?"


"Sakura? Are you ok?"



"See? I told you if your weren't here you'd make a boyfriend."


"Yes, without a doubt. I love her more than anything, and I always will."

"Who is she?"

"She's you."


"Oh, Li, I love you so much!"


'Don't worry, Li, now that we're together, we'll never be apart again.'


"Must.....Have......PANCAKES!!!!!" [I put that in for humor. ^_~)


"Good. Then your staying here."


'She is going to love this.'




"Sakura, Will you marry me?"


"WOW! Your getting married? That's great!"




"I can't move."


"Why can't I do that to you?"


"Well, at least we'll be able to fight over that idea for the rest of our lives."


"OF COURSE I LOVE HIM! I love him more than anything!"


'I love you so much, Now we'll be together forever.'


"I do."


"Well, either that, or your garter. Or your dress. Or maybe it was looking up your dress while I was taking off your garter."


"This is a VERY good day."

"Yes, it is."

*Flash*(Pay ATTINTION to this, everyone.)



"Do you think we should have a baby?"

"Only if you do."


"Li! Guess what? I'm pregnant!"


"It's a girl!"


"I love you, Li. I love you so much."


"She's very quiet. I expected a little voice box that wouldn't shut up."

"No, she doesn't take after you."

"Oh, ha, ha."


"Daddy!!!! I want to learn how to use your sword!"

"How did you know I had a sword?"

"I saw it through the closet wall."

"Wait, THROUGH the closet wall?"


"I take it back, she's exactly like you."

*End of Flashbacks.*

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! Daddydaddydaddydaddydaddy!!!!!!! Wake up! Guess what I can do?"

"Honey? Your daughter want you to see what she can do."

"She has to wait another hour. Hey, it isn't even dawn! What are you doing up so early, girl?"


Elizabeth bounced on the bed in-between her mommy and daddy. Both groaned.

"I don't know, sweetie, what can you do?" Her mommy asked.

"I can FLOAT stuff!" Shouted the six year old girl.

Her daddy jumped up and growled, knocking her over.

"What do you mean, float stuff?" He asked, tickling her. She started to laugh, and wiggled out of her daddy's arms.

"Watch!" She said excitedly.

She looked over at the desk in the room, covered in pen and papers of all shapes a sizes. Suddenly five pens started to float in the air. They hovered over the desk for a moment, and then flew over to the bed. They spun around Elizabeth for a moment, and dropped to the bed.

"Wow, that was cool!" Said her daddy. She giggled. "But you know what?"

"What?" She said, still bouncing lightly.

"Well, it's...four.. in the morning. And I'm tired, and I'm sure your mom is too, so why don't we go bac-"

"But I'm too EXCITED!!!!!" She shouted.

"Lizzy, honey, I understand, really, but I am really tired."

Liz pouted, and slouched ever so slightly.

"But I'm not tired!"

"Come here, I'll make you tired." He daddy waved her to him.


Her daddy grabbed her around the waist and laid her back on the bed.


He put his hand on her forehead, and she started to quiet.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoohhhh......" She said as she fell to sleep.

"I love that." Sakura said sleepily.

"She getting to be pretty powerful." Li pointed out.

"She's only six." Sakura said, yawning.

"Well, when I was six I could pretty much kick anyone in my clan's ass. That's probably why they wanted me as the leader."

"Want, honey, want. You are the leader, remember?"

"Whatever. She's strong."

"She's you, silly. In every way except type of sex, she is like you."

"Not in every way. I was NEVER as excitable as that. I'm only ASSUMING that I should pity your father, but I could be wrong."

"You can shut up now."

"You don't want me to shut up. I know you don't want me to shut up."

"Yes I do."

"Mmmmhhhh, no you don't." Li slowly got out of bed, holding his daughter. He silently carried her to her room. When he arrived he realized why she was awake. It looked like her power had arrived while she was asleep, because everything in her room that wasn't attached to anything, was all over the floor. He quietly laid her on her bed.

"I can float stuff, daddy." She muttered in her sleep. "I'm just like you....." Li grinned. That was his girl. He quietly walked out of her room, careful not to trip on anything. He walked back to his room, where Sakura was sitting impatiently.

"Took you long enough!" She said quietly.

"I thought you wanted me to shut up?"

"Yeah, but not leave."

Li got into bed.

"I think I know why Liz was up so early."

"Hmmm?" Sakura muttered, cuddling up to her husband.

"Seems she got that power in her sleep. Everything in her room is all over the floor."

Sakura groaned.

"Perfect, just perfect."

Li chuckled at her distress.

"Don't worry, Sakura. She's a good girl. And she really wants to try out her new power. By the time we wake up again her room'll be spotless."

Sakura smiled, cuddling closer, wrapping her arms around the man she loved.

"I love you."

Li smiled.

"I know."

Sakura punched him, and buried her face in his chest.

"Your sposed to say you love me, too."

"You already know that. How about something new?" He whispered. Sakura shivered lightly, cursing the fact that he could still do that.

"Like what?" She whispered back, knowing the chances of her falling to sleep through this talk was none and nil. Li slipped to lay even with Sakura, and started to stroke her hair.

"I cherish you. I adore you. I worship you. I treasure you. I can't live without you."

He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I Feel like I will have a heart attack just hearing you name. Looking at you sends shivers up my spine. Touching you makes my stomach tie up in knots."

He placed soft kisses on her shoulders.

"Without you here I feel empty. The thought of parting from you makes me sick. The thought of a moment without you makes my heart break."

His lips slowly made their way up her neck.

"I hold you in my heart, now and forever."

He kissed her softly on the lips, and she moaned openly.

"I hate that." She whispered, almost too quiet to hear.

"No, you don't." He whispered back, and kissed her harder, holding her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I hate you." She muttered, in the most un-believable way.

"As long as you want to. Just don't ever leave me." Li whispered, and kissed her as hard as he could, and then even harder after.

"Never." Sakura breathed.

Might be continued! It depends on how I feel......


Well? Okay? There is no way I would ever write past that point, by the way. I'm surprised I wrote that much. Especially after they put their little girl to bed, too. I sure hope this was okay. I've been getting a LOT of encouraging e-mails for a sequel, and here's thanks to them all:

Sandra Poe (Home page: http://www.geocities.com/sara_yuy19/cherry.htm )

Sara Lake

Sakura Star




Fire Angel

Empress Sarah


Firefly Angel

The MOUSE (Not really, she was daring me to write a honeymoon scene, but she still applies as an encourager.)

The Author formerly know as 'Digidynasty' (Darkness of Death.)



Fire Angel

Chibi Sakura

Thanx everyone! And everyone else who I forgot! Sorry! (Tell me and I'll mention you in the next chapter.(if there is one.)) CULater!

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