FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

HaHA! And you though I wouldn't come out with the next chapters!!!!! Take THAT! Check it out, Man!




Me no own.

Leave me alone.





The Days After

Chapter Two


Elizabeth stirred in her sleep, yawning. Her eyes slowly opened, to a plush toy looking thing hovering over her. She swatted him away.

"Not now, Kero, I'm tired!"

"But I want Pancakes!" Kero whined.

"Go ask mom!"

"She's making out with your dad!"

Liz made a gagging noise.

"Oh, thanks for the info, Kero. I really needed to know that." She said sarcastically (Duh.)


"Pan-'ciksz'?" Liz asked, stretching.

"I'm desperate! And hungry! And I WANT PANCAKES!!!!!!!"

"Well. At least you said it right this time." Liz sat up in her bed.


"Fine! Persistent little rat, ain't ya?"

"Am am NOT a rat!"

"You sound like Nixon, shut up."

Liz got out of bed and got dressed. She walked out of her room, and passed her parents' bedroom door.

"Mom? Dad? Could you PLEASE tell Kero to stop telling me when you guys are making out?"

There was a muffled noise, and then....

"KERO!" Sakura screamed.

"Well, you ARE!"

"You don't tell our daughter that, you dense little toy!" Sakura said. Li was just laughing.

"What are you doing up, girlie?" He asked, opening the door. Liz saw her mom untangling herself from the covers.

"Your guardian woke me up to make him pancakes. Filthy little mouse." She said, muttering the last part under her breath.

Li plucked Kero from the air.

"I told you to wait!" He muttered, and threw him into the room. Liz stuck her tongue out after him.

"Sakura! Were going to train." Li told his wife, who was scolding the beast.

Li lead Liz to the training room. He picked up the training sword he had made her. He had promised her a real one as soon as she could master the training one. He threw it to her, which she caught perfectly. He got out his own sword and they started to battle. Li jumped up from a low swipe, and Liz ducked for the expected high swipe, which came. This was normal morning activity. And almost every time it actually included Kero telling Liz that her parents were making out. The now Thirteen year old girl back flipped from one of her fathers cuts, landed and blocked the second thrust.

"Dad?" Liz said, throwing her practice sword in a crescent moon cut, less than half an inch from her dad's stomach.

"Yeah?" Li answered, dodging the blow.

"Why do you and mom kiss so much?" She asked. She blocked a downward blow from her dad.

"Well, because we love each other." He said, trying to twist his sword to pull hers out of her hand. Liz looked deep in thought for a few minutes.

"Dad?" She asked again, throwing her sword in the air and jumping up from a low cut, and in the process, flipping over her dad, and caught her sword again. "How did you meet mom?" She held her sword in a kill position to his back. She had gotten better and better with time, and was now almost always able to beat her dad. She was the only one able to, and Li was very proud. And very surprised that an thirteen year could beat him, much less be the only one.

"Well, you know about the Clow Cards. They were set free in Japan, And I had to go there to find them, and try to bring them back here. Your mother was the chosen cardcaptor, though, so I couldn't. So I helped her, and eventually, I got a crush on her. Then I had to leave, and about twelve, VERY long, by the way, years I came back, and told her that I loved her."

"So you met her because she was the cardcaptor?"

"Yeah." Li looked at his little girl. She looked very lonely recently, and he was worried about her. She had asked to be home-schooled, but the effect it had on her was an amazing case of anti-socialism. Her only friends were Kero, Suppie, and all of her parents' friend. She didn't know anyone her own age. Li put a hand on her shoulder.

"Honey? What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm fine." She answered absently. She got up and walked to her room. Li sighed. He walked to the kitchen, where Sakura was making pancakes for Kero, who was hovering over the pan.

"Sweetie, I think we should put Liz in public school."

Sakura flipped over a pancake.

"Why? What's wrong?" She placed the pancake on a plate, and swatted Kero away. "You wait until your entire plate is ready."

"She seems really lonely. Just a minute ago she asked how you and I met, and then she looked kind of depressed. I'm really worried about her."

Sakura placed two more pancakes on the plate and handed it to Kero, who screamed in joy.

"Well, if you think it would help, I'm fine with it." She smiled, and Li started to tremble ever so slightly.

"Another thing, I think she's strong enough to have a sword now. I just need you to say it's ok, but she beat me again today."

Sakura giggled.

"Oh, is the all high and mighty leader of the Li clan mad because a thirteen year old can beat him?" She walked forward and wrapped her arms loosely around his waist. He smiled down at her.

"No, actually, I really impressed. She's very powerful. I'd like to say I was that talented at that age, but I can't, and I know that you weren't, so all that I can think for an explanation is...."

Sakura's eyes widen in realization of what he was saying, her mouth gaped open slightly.

"She has the power of both of ours combined at that age?"

Li smiled.

"Yes, and that means that by the time she's our age,"

"She could be unbeatable." Sakura finished. She gasped. "We have, like, a super daughter!" She slowly backed away from Li, a dazed look on her face. Li smiled and pulled her back.

"Which is a good reason she should get a social life. Some one as powerful as she will be shouldn't be kept in a house all day long, wondering what people her age are like."

Sakura looked up at Li. He was smiling. He loved his little girl, and was proud, that Sakura knew. She smiled back.

"I love you." She said, and laid her head against his chest.

"I love you, too." Li said, bringing her face up to look at him. He softly touched her lips with his.


Liz sat alone in her room. Her thoughts wondered to love. As in, people to love. The only person close to her age that she knew was Josie, her Aunt Madison's daughter. She just wanted a friend that she could see more often that a few times a year, and that wasn't a mystical being that told her too much stuff she didn't need to know.

She knew all about the Clow cards, and how her mom and dad caught them.

She knew about Magic, heck, she had tons of it.

Her family was without a doubt screwed up, and she liked that.

Her Grandfather on her mother's side was a reincarnation of a person her father desended.

The husband of her mothers best friend was the other half of the same reincarnation.

Her mother's child age crush, and her uncles best friend, was a Guardian of the clow cards in disguise.

Her uncle is married to her mother's elementary school teacher.

Her family was weird, and she liked that, but still. She wanted a friend.

She picked up a book. Not a magic book, just a book. Something for her to get lost in, to pretend her life was full of people. Pretend she was a character, and be in love with the same person as her. Even if the people didn't exist, they were there. People wonder why she was so smart, and then wonder why she was such a book worm. The answer is in the books. People tell others that they love them, and she can pretend to be loved by someone. Who wasn't related to her. She loved her dad, and her mom, and everyone else, but sometimes she just wished she could have what here parents have. That kind of love. That kind of devotion to someone. Other than a character in a book.


Liz looked at her window, now in shatters. On the ground in front of it was a baseball. She rolled her eyes, and floated the pieces of glass back to the window pane, and morphed it back into place. She picked up the ball, and walked out of her room to show it to her parents. She walked into the kitchen, only to find them kissing. She sighed, and walked over to the stove, turning it off before the entire house burned down. She walked back to her room, and opened the window. Whispers floated to her Magic-enlightened ears.

"I'm not going in there! That place is creepy!"

"You go! Your the one who threw it!"

"They'll kill me!"

"They'd turn me into a frog or something!"

"Oh, hush! You are so superstitious!"

"Why don't we just go get another ball?"

Liz rolled her eyes. Some people are just plain silly. She took the ball, and with an expert hand, threw it right into one of the boys' hands. His head shot up, eyes meeting hers. She held the bored expression as he looked at her. He ducked back into her room, and closed the window.


The boy looked at the girl in the window. He had never seen someone as pretty as her. Her slightly longer than shoulder length, brown hair hung down around her face, and her amber eyes held a bored expression that sent shivers up and down his spine. Her somewhat pale skin melted with the colors of her face, making her glow. She rolled her eyes and ducked back into the house. He finally remembered to breath, and gasped. She was beautiful.

'I wonder why I've never seen her around here? I'm sure I would have remembered a face like that.' he thought.

"Chris!" One of his friends called. He snapped out of his daze.

"Coming!" He shouted, and ran over to his friends, who were getting in place for the game. He glanced back at the window, and saw her for a moment. The only thing her could make out were her eyes.

That gave away what she thought.

'Can I play?'

Definitely going to be continued!


So? Was this chapter ok? I'm trying! I have the full outline for the next chapters, but it'll take a long time. ^_^

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