FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sorry it took so long!



Don't own it.

Won't own it.

Never have owned it.

Leave me alone.


The Days After

Chapter Four

"Wake UP!!!"

Liz opened one eye, and batted Kero away.

"Go away, fuzzball, I won't make you breakfast." She mumbled, rolling over. Kero sighed.

"Liz, I don't want pancakes, you need to get up!" He said.

"Why?" She whined. "I'm tired!"

Kero sighed, and went to get her brand new back pack. He brought it over, as Liz was sitting up. She took one glance at the bag, and gasped. She jumped out of bed, seeing the clock.

"Kero! Why didn't you wake me?"

Kero slapped his head.

"Your more like your mom than some people think." He sighed.


"Hi, daddy!" Liz ran into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast, kissed her dad on the cheek, and ran out of the house as fast as she could, getting on her bike and riding away, calling 'Bye, daddy!' right before leaving the house. Li snorted.

"She's more like her mom than some people think."


"Today we have a new student! Her name is Elizabeth Showron. Please be nice. " The teacher was introducing Liz (Duh.). She scanned the class. Every girl was giving her the death eye, and every guy was drooling. Except one, which she ending up siting behind. That boy looking kind of confused.

'Funny, that's the expression I thought would be on everyone." She thought to herself smugly. She made a bet with her dad that pretty much everyone would have a vocabulary that stopped at about 'Yeah, like, totally.'. (This doesn't apply to the people I know. Their vocabulary stops before that.) And so far, she was right.

She didn't really pay any attention to the teacher, she already knew everything he was teaching. Instead to looked ahead of her, to the boy. There was something wrong. Something weird radiating off of him. She would say it was magic, but she had never felt this type of magic before, so she couldn't be sure. She sighed.

'Might as well learn something today.' she thought. She used her powers to scan his body. Well, most of it...

She did sense magic, but she didn't know what kind. She frowned, and searched again, looking in his memories.


"Miss Showron?" She snapped out of her daze. The teacher had called on her.

"What?" She asked, confused. The girl all giggled, while the boys were just happy to be able to look at her with out getting in trouble. The teacher smiled.

"Please read from line fifteen." The teacher said. Liz looked down to her book, which was still closed. She looked around her, making she no one could see what she was doing, and held her hand above her book. It flew open, onto the page the teacher was talking about. She stood up, and read from the fifteenth line.

'I'll have to search him later.'


"Hi, I'm Toni." Guy #3

"Hi, I'm John." Guy #16

"Hi, I'm Henry." Guy #21

"Hi, I'm Paul." Guy #34

'How many guys are in this school anyway?'

"Hi, I'm Megan." #4- Oh, wait, that's a girl's name!

"Oh, I'm Liz." Liz answered the girl. She looked her over. Megan was kind of geeky looking. Her hair was limp, blonde, and in a braid. Her body looked completely normal, her eyes were gray, and her hands were held together in front of her, figiting. Liz held out a hand for her to shake. Megan smiled.

"I just saw a whole bunch of guys introducing you to themselves, I thought you might be annoyed by now."

Liz snorted.

"Trust me, I am."

Megan smiled, and Liz motioned for her to sit next to her. She smiled gratefully, and sat on the bench next to her, and pulled out her lunch.

"If you want, I could show you around, and tell you about the people here." Megan offered. Liz smiled.

"That would be great!" She said.

So, when school was over, Megan showed her around. She pointed out the guys while they were playing sports, telling her who's who.

"Whatever you do, do NOT even SPEAK to Andre." She said.

"Why not?" Liz asked, confused.

"He is completely self absorbed, he thinks he's on top of the world 25-8"

"Don't you mean 24-7"

"Yeah, for anyone else. That should tell you how self absorbed he is."

"Oh. Well, I'll remember that."

"Henry is the captain of the soccer team, Tom and Toni are his best players. Paul is in with the 'Andre' crowd, the people who worship him, and he is always picking on everyone." She said. "John and Aaron are with the basketball team, and Chris is with baseball." She pointed them out, getting dreamy when she talked about Chris. Liz looked at her weird.

"Ok, so what's the deal with Chris?" She asked. Megan snapped out of her daydream.

"Huh? I don't know what you mean." She said, blushing.

"You like him, don't you?" She said teasingly. Megan blushed even more.

"Well, maybe just a little..." She mumbled. Liz laughed.

"You do, you like him!"

"Not really!" Megan whined. "I just think he's sweet. Besides, I think he likes you."

Liz snorted.

"Really? I thought he was the one person who didn't?"

Megan smiled.

"No, he likes you. Everyone else comes about it differently, though. They think they can win you over by being impressive, and suave. He just likes you, and lays off until he knows you better before he flirts with you. That's one of the reasons I like him." Megan says, staring at him as he kicked the soccer ball into the net, before the goalie could even realize he was the one who had it. Liz looked back and forth between the dreamy eyed Megan, to the smiling Chris. She rolled her eyes.

"I don't get it." She said.

She waved her hand in front of her new friend's eyes. But Megan was still watching Chris. Watching him high-five a few of his friends. Watching him look around. Watching him spot Liz, who was still waving her hand in front of her eyes. She watched him smile at her politely. She felt herself blush, and finally came back to earth, and to Liz's hand, which was pinching her nose.

"Hey!" She shouted.

"What is it with you and that guy? I would think you'd hate me if you knew he liked me, with how obsessed you are!" Liz said.

"I am not obsessed! I just think he's sweet, and I think your blind, for not noticing him!" She said, slapping Liz's hand away, as it was about to pinch her nose again. She looked back out to the field, but couldn't see Chris. She looked around, and spotted him running off the field really fast, holding some type of staff in his hand. She frowned.

"I wonder what that was." She said out loud. Liz looked over at her.

"You wonder what what was?" She asked. Megan stood up.

"Come on, I'm gonna go spy on Chris!" She said giddily. Liz rolled her eyes.

"Is this normal after school activity?" She asked sarcastically.

"It just became it!" Megan said, jumping off the bleachers.

"You don't eve know which way he went!" Liz yelled after her.

"So? At least it's something to do! You don't want to sit there all day, do you? If you did, one of the boys might think you like him!" She shouted back to the fast-gaining Liz. They both ran ahead, Liz casually pointing where she 'thought' he might be. They eventually came to the park. The first thing they notice was a very strange bird. It was completely white, but it looked like a hawk. It flew away, further into the park, and they followed it. They ran into part of the park that no one really went to. Liz could feel Chris's aura getting stronger, and ran ahead. She stopped at the edge of a clearing, and gasped.

There stood Chris, holding a staff, and a Little girl looking thing. Tons of magic was radiating off of her, Liz could feel it. She looked kind of like a fairy. She had on a purple dress, that looked like it was made of some type of dew. Her skin was very pale, her ears were pointed, and her brown hair was really short. She didn't seem to hold any weapons, but whenever she breathed, a sparkly powder would shoot out of her mouth. And there were some on her hand, that she could direct. Some of the dust landed on a small sapling, and it grew into a full grown oak. The little girl giggled. And started to skip off. Chris frowned, and chanted something Liz couldn't quite make out. His wand came to life, stretching out across the length of the clearing, grabbing the little girl, and dragging her back to him. On part covered her mouth, so it couldn't blow on him. It struggled for a moment, and suddenly exploded into a water looking ring. The ring shrank, and solidified to form some kind of hoop. It was too small to be a bracelet, but to big to be a ring. Chris pulled a necklace out of his shirt, and the hoop floated over and fell next to two others just like it.

"Oh, cool." Came a whisper beside Liz. She looked over to find Megan who seemed to have seen the entire thing.

The white bird The girls had seen earlier landed on a branch near the boy.

You need to be more careful, it seemed to say, though it didn't open it's mouth. Chris frowned, and looked over at the girls. He slapped his head, and Liz smirked. She walked into the clearing, Megan close behind her.

"I guess I'll get to know you better than I thought." She said casually.


"There called Cassandra's hoops." Chris tried to explain. They had gotten out of the clearing, and went to one of the tables in the park.


Maybe I should explain?

"Yeah, that would be good." Chris said.

"You know, that's pretty freaky." Megan said. Liz just listened carefully.

Cassandra was a young sorceress, obsessed with the idea of love. She was in love with the Sorcerer Clow Reed, which I believe you know, Elizabeth.

Liz smiled, and continued to listen.

She was obsessed with him, also. She wanted to be exactly like him. She also wanted to be with him. She wanted to impress him, thinking that would win him over. She asked him to teach her about magic, and he agreed. She watched him make cards, but all she ever thought about was the fact that she was near him. Later on, he asked if she had learned anything, and she replied yes, she had. He asked what, and she said to give her one year, and she would show him. That entire year she worked on a magic similar to that of the kind Clow used to make his cards. She made them strong, but since she was trying to get Clow to like her, she made sure they were never stronger than his cards. Though she did want to impress him, she knew he wouldn't exactly want to date someone who was stronger than him. But she wanted it to be original. She she kind of combined her two favorite things. Jewelry, and love. She couldn't make the jewelry idea the exact way she wanted to, though. To put enough magic for it to work, it had to be bigger than a ring, which is what she wanted to do in the first place. But to make it into a bracelet, it would be stronger than Clow's. She she settled for in-between, making a special necklace that would hold them. She also couldn't make only one 'Love' hoop, she she made other things that she though came with love. There are eighteen Hoops.

"I was looking for something for my sister's birthday, and I saw this antique store. I wasn't going to get anything for my sister in there, but I saw something she would love. It looked like a very large jewelry box, but it only held these hoops. The bottom was velvet, with an individual dent in it for each hoop. When I got home, I wanted to see what they really were, so I opened the box. I hadn't known what it would do at the time. Come to find out, The only reason I could open it was because I'm supposedly descended from Cassandra, through her sister, Lane. When I opened the box, all of the hoops flew out, floated around me, and then flew out my window. Then Gandolf, this bird, appeared from the top of the box, where it had looked like a dove, and told me all about it." Chris explained.

Exactly. There are eighteen hoops, and I'll tell you them in order, from the weakest to the stongest.


















And the Love.

"Cool!" Megan squealed.

"Uh, do either of you have a curfew, because I do, and I have to go." Chris suddenly said. Liz gasped, and looked at her watch.

"Uh, oh, my parents are gonna kill me!" She says, and stands up to leave. "Can we finish talking about this tomorrow?" She asks.

"Mmm, hmm." Chris says, getting together his stuff. Megan smiles.

"I don't really have a curfew, so is it ok if I walk home with you?" She asked Liz.


Liz and Megan waved at Chris, and he went home. Liz showed Megan to her house, talking on the way.

"So, do you think he'll let us in on the hoop thing?" Megan asked. Liz smiled.

"Whether he does or not, I'm going to." She said.

"Well, I'd rather do it with him." Megan said, smiling weirdly.

They got to Liz's house. Liz held Megan back. She smiled.

"Brace yourself." She said.

She opened the door.

"I'm home!"

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! I want FOOD!" Kero screamed, popping in front of her face, but suddenly going limp and falling to floor at the sight of Megan. Megan's eyes widened.

"And I haven't seen enough today?" She said. Sakura came running to see what happened to Kero, and Saw Liz's new friend.


"No, momma, it's ok!" Liz said, laughing.

She took them inside and sat them on the couch, explaining why, since Megan already encountered magic, that it was ok for her to see Kero. Li listened to it all from the training room. He smirked.

'I knew she would need this.'

He walked into the living room, and quickly told them he heard. He walked over to Liz.

"You want to help?" He asked. She simply nodded. He smiled, and held out her new weapon. "All yours."

Liz gapped at it. It was a sword. Shear titanium, up to the hilt. The handle was white leather, the rest was light pink. And at the very hilt of the sword was a clear stone. She touched it, and suddenly, it started to slowly sap her magic. She gasped, pulling her hand away as fast as she could. The stone was now glowing dimly, and her magic was charging back up. She smiled, realizing what the stone was for. She looked up at her dad.

"THANK YOU!!" She squealed in joy, and jumped up to hug him, careful of the sword.

"This is so cool!" Megan said, and reached into her bag, pulling out a pad of paper and a pencil. She started to sketch the sword on the paper, and Sakura and Kero sweatdropped.

"Who does that remind you of?"

"This is to deja vue."

To Be Continued.


Sorry this took so long! I had a little trouble with the action thing, and the reason for whatever it was. So anyway, I hope you liked this! I probably could put this under original, too. Don't worry, next chapter will be lots of S&S mushyness. I think.

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