FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

My name is Ceroberos at andraestee@mindspring.com. THis is the seventh
chapter of my story Temptation. It is a series.Enjoy!


< Author's note>

with emphasis

Disclaimer 1: I do not own CC in any way shape or form. They all belong
to those really rich people in Japan called CLAMP. Besides, I am poor,
so it would do no good to sue me. All I am is just a fun loving fanfic
Disclaimer 2: This is my very first fanfic ever so don't kill me if it
Disclaimer 3: The character Deserta/Datteshi is my creation. Email me
before you use this character in any of your fanfic writings. Clamp
attorneys may contact me for use of this character, for a small price
($10 mil would do it).

Chapter 7
Syaoran opened the door leading to his apartment. Without shutting it, he
slumped back to his bedroom. He flopped on his bed and fell immediately
asleep. Deserta snuck inside, being as silent as possible. When Deserta
saw him sleeping, she silently sat down beside his bed. Then she heard
him mutter the key words she needed to hear," Deserta, I love you..."She
knew he was ready. She parted his lips and poured the potion into his
mouth. He let out as a blood-curdling scream as the acidic potion ran
down his throat. * Now I can finally be the Card Captor I was supposed
to be. * She thought. She looked at Syaoran to see he was awake and
taken a back. Then Deserta remembered that he could hear everything she
thought. Another thing also had changed. Now instead of his eyes being
piercing amber, they were dull and lifeless. It was like someone had
pulled a thin grayish fabric over his eyes. *Now, I just have to wait a
bit longer. *She thought to herself.
All was black. Syaoran couldn't see anything. Then he saw a light. He
walked towards it and the light hit him. He let out a scream as his body
was taken over by another. He watched, as strings seemed to grow from
his arms, legs, and head. The strings forced him to look up at his
commander. But instead it was a commandess. It was Deserta. He tried to
struggle away from her power but couldn't. He wore himself out quickly.
Soon, all he could do was to let Deserta take over.
Deserta commanded Syaoran to act as normal as possible until the time
was right. Doing as she said, Syaoran walked to Deserta's like he would
normally would. But instead of going in, he walked past and headed to
Sakura's so he could walk her to school in the morning.
Sakura woke up feeling a strange magic presence coming from the back
yard. She peered over the windowsill and looked at the span of grass
below her. Standing there was Syaoran. But she could tell it was not the
real Syaoran. There was something different about him. Sakura snapped
back to her senses when she heard her oniisan call her for breakfast.
She quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs totally forgetting
Syaoran. "Good morning!" she greeted. Touya turns towards her and says
with slight annoyance in his voice," The brat showed up asking if you
wanted to walk to school with him." he stated. She exclaimed in surprise
and got ready faster than usual, not wanting to keep him waiting. As
soon as Sakura opened the door, she felt it. A sense that was so strong
compared to the Clow Cards, yet similar. Then she looked into his eyes.
They looked like he was dead. Sakura quickly sensed around her. She
didn't want to believe it. The sense was coming from him, Syaoran. A bit
uneasily, she walked to school with him. He walked and talked like a
robot. As they approached the school, Syaoran pulled Sakura aside from
the road. He looked into her eyes and Sakura could see the amber that
was supposed to be in those eyes. " I do not have much time to be free,
I have to tell you something. I am under control. Don't worry. I love
you." He said before his eyes turned dull again. Then he walked her back
to the road and they walked to school. It was so weird. But Sakura held
off, not wanting to hurt him, her love.
All day Syaoran acted like a body that was being controlled. To test what
was really happening, Sakura walked up to him and hugged him around the
waist. Normally, Syaoran would have blushed deeply, but he didn't even
notice. Sakura knew something was wrong, yet she couldn't quite put her
finger on it. Tomoyo also knew that something was wrong. She decided to
figure it out.
Tomoyo returned home to find nobody there. *Good* she thought. * Now I
don't have to worry about anyone asking where I'm going*. She ran
upstairs to her HUGE bedroom and grabbed her "investigation outfit" It
was the same outfit that she had used so many years ago to spy on
Sakura. After she slipped into it, she grabbed her nearest video camera
and left the house.
Tomoyo sneaked up to Syaoran's house and rang the doorbell. Nobody
answered. Being like she is, Tomoyo checked to see if the door was
locked. Like she thought, it was. * Think Tomoyo! Think* She commanded
herself. Then, she got it. Tomoyo crept around the side of the building
and found a window. It was unlocked so she opened it and crawled into
Syaoran's apartment.

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