FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I do not own Card Captor Sakura. Card Captors belongs to CLAMP and Nelvela.

Author's notes: This takes place when Sakura and Li are about to go to college. Sakura and Li have been going out for a while, but they don't really consider the times they go out as dates.

The Test-Chapter 1

~At Sakura's house~

"Hello. Sakura speaking. Oh hey Madison. Yeah I got the letter. I was waiting for you. Do you think we'll get into this college?"

"I don't know Sakura. Come on. Lets open them!!", said Madison.

For a while there was paper tearing.

Sakura said, "I got in. Did you?"

"No", Madison said disappointed, "This is the last college we applied to"


Each of them wanted to go to the same college. They each applied to the same college, but it was either Madison getting into one college and Sakura didn't, or Madison not getting into a college and Sakura getting or they didn't even get into one.

"Sakura, why don't we have a girls night out and go to the movies, and then we can sleep over and talk about which college they should go to.", said Madison.

"Okay. Meet you at 6:00?", said Sakura.

They hang up.

~At Li's house~

"Hello. Finally, Madison. Did Sakura get in?", asked Li

"She did", said Madison.

"Oh. Great. Thanks Madison", said Li.

"No problem Li. I have to go. Bye", said Madison.

"Oh and Madison. Don't forget your promise. Bye!" Li said.


I think I should take a walk.

~At the park~

Li decided to take a walk in the park and celebrate. Li was sitting on the old penguin slide. He was so happy. He had secretly asked Madison to tell him to tell him the colleges that Sakura applied to. If he got accepted into the same school as she did, he would surprise her. And then, he just found out that Sakura got accepted into the same school as he did-in Hong Kong.

~At Madison's house~

"That was a great night", said Sakura

"Yes it was", said Madison, "come on, lets set everything up."

After Sakura put out her sleeping bag and changed into her pajamas, and Madison finished cooking dinner, they relaxed.

"Sakura. What school do you want to go to?", asked Madison.

"I don't know. Which one do you think I should go to?", said Sakura.

"It's your decision, Sakura", said Madison, "Are you thinking of any college?"

"Well, I am thinking of one", said Sakura.

"Oh yeah. Which one?"

"Well. Maybe the one in Hong Kong," said Sakura.

Great. I don't have to try to steer Sakura to go to the college in Hong Kong. All I have to do is keep her on that track, thought Madison.

"Good choice," said Madison, "It's getting late. We better go to sleep"

"You think so," said Sakura, "I'll just accept to that school then"

That was easy, thought Madison.

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