FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Many people say that saying goodbye is painful, but is it that hard to say it?

From the time, when Sakura knew Li was going back to Hong Kong, she has a feeling that she never had before. She thought to herself would it be a happier ending, but then could it ever be like this lots of things went thought her mind at that point but was there anything that was true.

Many years have past since the first good bye of Li.

However, it still hurts every time when she thinks about it, although it was the same at school, home and friendship.

However, when you compare the days with and without Li, it was happier with him.
Her dad always tell her that lots of things will change as you grow up but she did not want to change these things.

Although the cards are changed and there will not be weird stuff to do with the card, she still wears that key around her neck. Sometimes, it has a small glow when she thinks about the things and times with Li. Will she ever se him again?

In Hong Kong
Li was having a very weird dream.

Everything was dark when he was standing on a very tall building. When he was looking at this tall thing, it was too dark to make out what it was. Then, there was a blue light going straight to him.

There was some one beside him but he did not know who was it. When the light blinded him out, he woke up and he was sweating (like mad).
What does that dream mean? All he knew was that the tall thing was the Tokyo tower.

The next day, he told his mother all about it, then she said "You can go after all the things is done it Hong Kong." There is only one thing he was thinking about... Would Sakura remember him?

In Japan
It was nighttime in Japan.

The night was nearly ending; Sakura was just shock from a very bad dream she did know what happened she could not remember.

It was maybe the dream was to dark and blurry the only thing she saw was a shadow of a boy falling down and a blind light.

When the daylight was showing she got out of the bed.

For some reason, she could not go to sleep again.

She got dressed and then slowly walks out of the room, she did not want to wake kero up and fuss about everything. She went downstairs to have breakfasted, which was not that good siting by herself.

She went out to go to school but it was too early when she goes to school.

Therefore, she went to the temple near by. She stared at the tree; it brought her many memories. The promises, the sayings, the tears and the laughers, they all mean something.

She knew give these memories up. It seems a decade have gone standing there standing at the tree. It was nearly time the school opens so she went back to school.

When she got back to her school, she was talking to Tomoyo she was saying the thought she had standing at the tree, she say it was normal to miss someone love.

They walk down the hall way then the heard something .it or what ever it was can talk. Saying Windy, I want you. Then a bright light blinded them then they were in the classroom again.

When they were in the class, the class was just about to start then the teacher wrote the name down of boy that was standing in the front of that classroom.

The boy had dark amber eyes and hair like the wet sand. The teacher said that he comes from Hong Kong and so Sakura looked up, and here he was standing there looking back at her. The boy was Li he was put to sit behind Sakura, just like the old days.

Li was looking into her eyes then they both blush and so the first 2 lessons went well and break Li and Sakura bumped into each other in the playground. The said sorry at the same time and then the looked up and tears of happiness was in her eyes.

She jumps at him and hugged and Li hugged her day. Sakura said I missed you so much but this time I know we will be together forever.
Li answered, it will what ever happens

Then they went into a long kiss.

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