FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

ok this is a one-shot fanfic ( i guess) not a series ok then here it is piggyhoho

True Happiness

Ok so here is like I think one of my first CCS fanfics. My name for everyone who is actually disiding to read this is Gaia- pronounced guy-uh, so I hope you guys like it and e-mail me I wanna know what you all think of it! k!!! alrightythen! Ill c'ya at the end of it then chow!



"Ok thank you bye." Sakura said to her teacher as she left school. "Ahhh…" Sakura groaned as she looked at her watch; 5:30 it read. Her math teacher had asked her to stay behind so he could explain the concept to her, Sakura didn't think it would take that long. 'Better get home soon, it looks like rain…' she thought as she looked at the gray cloud covered sky. Blop…blop…blop, blop…. It started to rain heavy drops. "Ahhh!" Sakura groaned again, as she wiped her face. She looked around, it was already really dark and the rain was coming down more, and harder. "Hu?" Sakura gasped as she looked up at the gray apartment that was in front of her. 'This looked like Li's apartment…how did I get here?' Sakura thought 'ohh…well its dry…'. "Let me see…room 112,I think…room 109…110…111…ahh 112" Sakura said out load as she hit the doorbell.

"Yes mom…im already packing…ok ill see you then, bye mother." Li said sadly as he hung up the phone. He knew that he would eventually have to leave. Sakura didn't need him anymore; there was no need to stay. Suddenly the doorbell rang. " Sakura?" Li said baffled as he looked at the wet figure in font of him.
"Hi Li!" she said brightly.
"Uhh…. Here come in…ill get something for you to change into…man your soaked…" he said as he disappeared into another room, when he came back he was holding a pair of gray sweet pants and a green shirt.
"Thanks…" Sakura said.
" You can change in the bathroom… right there…".
When Sakura came out of the room she stopped for a min and looked around. " Are you going somewhere Li?" she asked looking at the bags and boxes.
"Yeah…I have to go back to Hong Kong…there's no reason for me to stay, you are the mistress now. There's no need for me to hang around." He said sadly.
'No! Li stay for me… I need you Li!' Sakura thought. "Ohh" she finally said sadly.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah im fine…" she lied.
"So… do you uhh... wanna watch TV. or something?" Li said.
"Sure" Sakura said as silence fell over them. 'Why? Why does he have to go? Why? I need you Li! I love you. Please don't go!' Sakura thought sadly.
'Im so sorry Sakura, I wish I could stay, but there's no need for me, you don't need me…if only you knew…' Li thought.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I HOUR LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura was asleep with her head resting on a pillow that lay right next lo Li. Li was almost asleep and the T.V. was still on. ' I love you Sakura, I never want to leave you' Li thought. " I love you Sakura, I never want to leave you Sakura, im sorry if I made you sad my little cherry blossom. I love you. God are you beautiful. I only wish you could love me the way I love you" Li whispered as he gently stroked Sakura's soft hair. "I love you so much Sakura."

'Its so peaceful here…where am I?' Sakura thought in her dream. ' I love you Li' she yelled out into the field that lay before her. ' Sakura?' came o voice. 'Li?' 'I love you too…' the voice started to fade; she knew she was waking up, she could hear someone talking to her, and someone was touching her hair. She could hear a little of what the person was saying.
" Never want…leave…Sakura, sorry…made you sad, my little cherry blossom…your beautiful…wish you love me…I love you...love you so much Sakura…" it was Li's voice. "Li?" Sakura asked.
"Sakura!" Li said startled. "Your awake!"
"hhhmmmm I just woke up, where you just talking to me?" she asked sitting up strait.
"yeah…" Li said as he blushed.
"did you mean that?…what you said…?"
"uhhhh…..what did you hear?"
" parts…here and there.. you said you love me." She looked Li in the eye.
"yeah.. I meant it all of it." Li looked down.
Suddenly Sakura threw her arms around Li's neck as she started to cry. "LI…I …I…I love you too, I love you li!"she said in between sobs.
"hu?" Li said baffled. " really"
"yeah I love you soooo much li!"she said as Li smiled and wrapped his arms around Sakura. Sakura was still slightly crying as she pulled away.
"shhh!" Li said as he whipped away her tears, and he leaned in and kissed her.
"mmmm" Sakura hummed. Suddenly she pulled away.
"what?" Li asked impatiently as he started to lean in again.
"no.. Li… you leaving…please, please don't go" Sakura bagged as she started to cry again.
" if you really mean it Sakura then ill stay."
"really ill explain it to my mom." Sakura smiled as she leaned in for another blissful kiss.


" mother I want to stay." Li said into the phone.
" but Li…Sakura she doesn't need you anymore." His mother said.
"your wrong she does mom…she loves me and I love her." Li confessed
"are you truly happy?"
"then you can stay, I wouldn't want you to not be truly happy with us, and I count live knowing I took that happiness away form you." His mother said
"thank you mother, I love you, tell my sisters I love them too. Good bye mother." Li said smiling as he hung up the phone.
" li? what did she say?" Sakura asked
" she said if I was truly happy then I could stay."
"that's great li!"Sakura smiled brightly as she hugged him, then she pulled away from the hug and kissed him .
'finally I found true happiness' Li thought as he kissed Sakura back.




Well what did you guys think? Hu? I have others coming I just need to get um on the computer…ok well write me you guys I wanna know what ya think k! c'ya!!! J


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