FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Undefined Love :: By SyaoSakura_Li (C) Some rights reserved


Syaoran: Get off me!!! *Prying Meilin off his arm*
Meilin: But Li-kun!!!
Syaoran: *Quickly glancing at Sakura to make sure she didn't think that he liked Meilin* Uh, Meilin!!!
Meilin: Oh Li-kun! You're so strong!!
Sakura: *Giggles*
Syaoran: *Blushes a deep red* MEILIN!! Will you cut it out?
Meilin: But Syaoran!!!
Sakura: *Giggles*
Tomoyo: *Giggles* Don't they look cute?
Syaoran: *Thinking* I don't want to be cute with Meilin!! I want Sakura!
Sakura: *Smiles* Ya, cute.
Syaoran: *Grumbles* Let's go home.
Meilin: Great idea!!
Syaoran: *Glares at Meilin*
Sakura: *Chuckles* Ya, I'm getting a bit tired too.
Tomoyo: *Looks at watch* It's almost 8:30.
Meilin: *Pulling Syaoran's arm* Li-kun, win me a teddy bear!
Syaoran: *Sweatdrop* No, it's too late. Besides, those things are a waste of money.
Tomoyo: Ya, Syaoran, win one for Meilin.
Syaoran: No way!
Sakura: Come on, it'll be fun!
Syaoran: *turns red* Oh... alright...
Meilin: *Eyes Sakura suspiciously* Hmmmmm....

(At the ring toss booth)
Meilin: Come on Li-kun!! You can do it!!
Syaoran: Shut up will you!?!
Tomoyo: Syaoran!!
Syaoran: Well, I can't concentrate with her voice grating on my nerves!!
Meilin: *Heart drops* .... oh...
Sakura: Let's go Li-kun!! Do your best!
Syaoran: *Smiles* Don't worry, I will.
Meilin: ........
Syaoran: *Closes his eyes, concentrates on the ring and throws, putting a bit of magical power into it* Heeeyaaa!!!
(The ring lands perfectly around the stand)
Meilin: YAY!! Li-kun did it!!!!
Tomoyo: Great job!!
Sakura: *Smiles* We all knew you could do it!
Syaoran: *Blushes* Ya well, I had a little inspiration...
Meilin: *Hugs Syaoran's arm* What about the teddy bear?
Man at the booth: *Hands Sakura the teddy bear* Here you go miss.
Sakura: !?!?!
Meilin: Uh, I'M his girlfriend?
Man at the booth: You are?? Oops sorry. It's just that this young lady looked so much like a perfect couple with this young man.
Meilin: *Death look* I DARE you to say that again!!
Tomoyo: *Sweatdrop and holding Meilin back* Now, now, uh, let's leave. Eheh.
Sakura: *Hands Syaoran the teddy bear* Here Li-kun, give it to Meilin.
Syaoran: *Pissed off inside and hurting at the same time* Uh ...... *takes the teddy*..
.... ok. *tosses it to Meilin* Here.
Meilin: *Catches the bear* .... uh.... thanks. ...... I guess....

(Later in front of the Kinomoto house)
Tomoyo: I'll call my limo from here. *Takes out cell phone and turns away*
Meilin: *Hugs Syaoran's arm*
Sakura: Hey Meilin, why don't you stay overnight at my house?
Meilin: And WHY would I want to do that?
Sakura: Well, I was thinking of asking Tomoyo and with you, it'll be like a girls night!
Meilin: ........ I'd rather stay with Li-kun.
Syaoran: I'd rather not...
Tomoyo: *Nods* Uh huh..... ok...... hang on.... *Turns to Sakura* Sakura-chan, is it
alright if I spend the night here tonight?? My mom can't get the limo to pick me up and it'll be too far for me to walk.
Sakura: *beams with happiness* Sure!! *Looks at Meilin* Well?
Meilin: *Looks at Syaoran*
Syaoran: Go ahead. I don't really care.
Meilin: *Her smile disappears* Alright... *Nods at Sakura*
Sakura: Great! Come on in!! ..... Bye Li-kun!!
Syaoran: *Waves* Cya. *Walks away*
Meilin: *Watches after Syaoran as he walks down the Kinomoto driveway* ... Li-kun.
Tomoyo: Come on in, Meilin!
Meilin: Coming!!

(That night in Sakura's room)
Tomoyo: Ok!! Gossip time!!
Sakura: *Smiles* Ok!! *Turns to Meilin* Any good, juicy news?
Meilin: *Straight face* Not really......
Sakura: Ok then. Tomoyo?
Tomoyo: Actually, I heard a rumour that Chiharu is dating Yamazaki.
Sakura: *Wide eyed* Really? I thought, they were just friends.
Tomoyo: *Shrug* And you know what's a bigger news?
Sakura: What?
Tomoyo: I heard that Rika is going out with Mr. Terada.
Sakura: WHAT!?!?!
Tomoyo: *Nods* Isn't that strange?
Sakura: Unbelieveable!! ..... Meilin?
Meilin: *Watery eyed* Oh, I don't know. *Turns around and covers herself under
the blankets.
Tomoyo: ???
Sakura: Oh, you can't be tired already!
Meilin: Well I am, so leave me alone!
Tomoyo: *Locks eyes with Sakura and both shrug*

(Next morning)
Meilin: *On the phone* I can't walk home all by myself.
Tomoyo: *To Sakura* I wonder what Syaoran is saying this time.
Sakura: *To Meilin* Lemme hear. *Takes the phone*
Meilin: .....
(On the other side of the phone)
Syaoran: You can walk fine, and you can come home by yourself. I will NOT. And
I'll say that again. I will NOT come just to walk you back home.
Sakura: Li-kun?
Syaoran: Sakura?? Oh my god!! I mean, I-.... oh boy.....
Sakura: *Takes the phone away from her ears* Here Meilin. *Hands the reciever
back to Meilin*
Meilin: ... *Takes the phone* .... Li-kun ...... *Nods* uh huh...... ok.... See you..
*hangs up the phone*
Sakura: What did he say?
Meilin: He's coming and I better be ready when he gets here.
Tomoyo: Don't look so down, Meilin. I'm sure he's just had a bad morning.
Meilin: ..........

(A few minutes later)
Sakura: Here's your backpack, Meilin.
Meilin: Thanks.
Tomoyo: I better get going too. Oh wait!! I forgot my video camera upstairs! *Runs
(The doorbell rings)
Sakura: *Opens the door* Hi Li-kun!! Here to pick Meilin up?
Syaoran: *Grumbles* Ya.
Meilin: Bye Sakura.
Sakura: ...... Bye..... *blink*
Meilin: Why are you looking at me like that?
Sakura: Oh nothing, usually you're clinged to Li-kun's arm. But today, you're not.
Is something wrong?
Meilin: .......... no.....
Sakura: Somehow I don't believe that.
Meilin: ..... Well ..... our engagment is supposed to become permanent by the end
of this week. Which means, we'll get married for sure.
Syaoran: *Neck stiffens* .......
Sakura: *Freezes* .... Oh.... really?
Meilin: *Nods sadly*
Sakura: Well then.... aren't you supposed to be happy?
Meilin: Yes, but..... Syaoran doesn't love me.
Syaoran: !?!?!?
Sakura: What?! *To Syaoran* Is this true?
Syaoran: *Looks down at his feet* ........ yes.....
Meilin: *Tears in her eyes* I knew it!
Sakura: Then who's the one you love then, Li?
Syaoran: ...........
Meilin: Li-kun?
Syaoran: ...... S-s. .........Sakura......
Meilin and Sakura: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Meilin: *Looks at Sakura and then Syaoran: I-I .. I knew it!!! *Grabs Syaoran's arm*
Why?? Why didn't you tell me earlier!! You didn't have to drag it this long!!
Sakura: .......
Meilin: It wasn't fair!! Don't you even care for me?? You might not love me but
I'm still your cousin!!!
Syaoran: Shut up!! *Smacks Meilin*
Meilin: .... *Head turned to the side* ....... *Turns her head back towards them*
Sakura: Meilin.......
Meilin: *Tears brimming her eyes* .... *Her heartbroken, then the tears in her eyes
started to make their way down her cheeks* ......
Syaoran: *Still standing there*
Meilin: *Turns around and runs off*
Sakura: Meilin!!! Wait!! *Turns to Syaoran* Go after her!!
Syaoran: *Stares at the hand he used to slap Meilin* ...... *then he shakes his head*
Sakura: Syaoran!!! *Runs off after Meilin*
Tomoyo: ..... You're heartless.......
Syaoran: *Turns around*
Tomoyo: *Pats her video camera* ...... *Then runs off as well*

(In the park behind some trees with a small open area)
Meilin: *Crouches down with her back on the tree* ..... *Crying* Why did Li-kun
take this so far? *Sob* He could've told me!
Sakura: Meilin!! Where are you???
Meilin: *Crouches down further* .....
Sakura: Meilin!!!! I know you're around here somewhere!! Come out!! I'm sure
Li-kun didn't mean what he said.
Meilin: ........
Sakura: Meilin, he really does care for you! Meilin!!! Where are you hiding??
Meilin: ........ *Stands up* I'm right here.
Sakura: *Turns around* Meilin!! *Runs to Meilin and gives her a quick hug*
Meilin: .......
Sakura: Are you ok?? *Looks at Meilin's reddened cheek* Does it hurt?
Meilin: Of course it hurt!!! ........ ........... The engagement is off.
Sakura: But Meilin!
Meilin: It's useless to marry Li-kun .... no... Syaoran if he doesn't love me.
Sakura: Meilin....
Meilin: I'm going back to Hong Kong.
Sakura: No!! Stay here!! We're a team!!
Meilin: Why should I stay here?? All I do is get in the way. I don't need to watch
you and Syaoran get snuggly.
Sakura: ........ Meilin...... Please don't leave.
Meilin: *Turns her head* Syaoran doesn't care for me at all. That slap my sentence.
I'll never see him again. I'm going back!! *Turns around and runs off once again*
Sakura: Meilin!!!
Tomoyo: Sakura!! *Runs up to Sakura trying the catch her breath* ..... Where did
Meilin go??
Sakura: She ran off. She said she's going back to Hong Kong.
Tomoyo: Really? *grabs Sakura's arm* Come with me.
Sakura: !?!?!

(Back at the Li residence)
Syaoran: *Sitting at the table staring at his hand* .... I shouldn't have hit her....
*Door opens and closes*
Meilin: *Walks in and sees Syaoran*
Syaoran: Meilin!
Meilin: *Her tear-stained face looked flushed* ... *Runs up the stairs*
Sakura: *Runs in* Li-kun!! Did Meilin just run in here a second ago?
Syaoran: *Nods* She went upstairs.
Sakura: *Goes up the stairs*
Tomoyo: *Walks in* ..... Meilin is going back.
Syaoran: *Confused* Back where?
Tomoyo: To Hong Kong.
Syaoran: What!?! But we're engaged.
Meilin: *Back downstairs with a bag on her back* ...... it's off.
Syaoran: What?
Meilin: The engagement is off. ..... I'm going back to Hong Kong. You'll never
have to see me again.
Syaoran: But Meilin, there's no reason to take this to extremes!
Meilin: Don't I?? You love someone else, there's no reason to stay engaged. You love
Sakura, there's no reason for me to stay and watch. You hit me, so there is no reason
I shouldn't hit you back. You forgot everything. You don't even remember what today is!
Syaoran: What are you babbling about now?
Meilin: That's it!! *Walks out the door with her nose in the air and a single tear runs down
the side of her cheek*
Tomoyo: Meilin! Wait! I want a picture of you before you leave! *Shuffles quickly out the door*
Sakura: How can you not remember her birthday? *Turns and walks out the door and closes it
behind her*
Syaoran: Her birthday? *Looks at the calender* March, 25.....

(At the airport)
Sakura: You're flight is here.
Meilin: Ya, I guess. *To Tomoyo* Good bye.
Tomoyo: *Smiles* Bye Meilin. Keep in touch with me.
Meilin: .... I will.....
Sakura: *Exchanges hugs with Meilin* I'll miss you. We all will.
Meilin: ........
PA system: Flight 26 will be departing in 5 minutes!
Meilin: I guess I'd better go.
Sakura: *Watery eyes* See you soon, Meilin.
Tomoyo: Ya, bye!
Meilin: *Turns around and walks to the entrance of the plane*
Voice: MEILIN!!!
Meilin: *Turns around* Huh?
Syaoran: Wait!!! *Runs up to Meilin* ... *Puffing and panting* I'm sorry for everything.
I shouldn't have hit you. I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday. Just... sorry.
Meilin: ...... ya well, you shouldn't be sorry.
Syaoran: *Shakes head* ..... Here, Happy Birthday. *Hands Meilin a small package*
Meilin: Thank you.
Sakura: Meilin.... *Hands her a cell phone* Call me when you get there.
Meilin: *Smiles* You're a good friend. *To Syaoran* Treat her well or I will come after you.
Syaoran: *Grim smile* ..... Ok... bye Meilin.
Tomoyo: Now turn this way. That was great. Smile and wave everyone!!
All: *Smiles and waves that the video camera*
Man: Are you ready Miss?
Meilin: *Nods* Goodbye everybody!!
All: Bye!!
Meilin: *Walks into the plane*
Syaoran: *His arm around Sakura*
Sakura: *Rests her head on his shoulder* ... I was beginning to think you were a jerk.
Syaoran: Me?? *chuckles* What gave you that idea?
Tomoyo: A little more energy, guys. More love, that's great!!
Syaoran: *Rolls his eyes*
Sakura: *Gives Syaoran a kiss*

(On the airplane)
Meilin: *Opens the small package, Syaoran gave to her*..... *Gasp*
(It was a beautiful necklace with a Yinyang on it. On the back, the words To Meilin,
With love from, Syaoran, was engraved into it.)
Meilin: ..... Syaoran ...... no....... Li-kun.... *And she smiles*


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