FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter One-An Empty Space

"Hey little monster, time to get up!" Sakura's brother, Touya yelled. Waking up groggily, Sakura rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Kero-chan, what time is it right now?" she asked as she got out of bed. Kero-chan checked the clock and informed her that it was already seven thirty. "Oh no!" she exclaimed, "I'm going to be late for school!" And with that, she raced down the stairs.

"Morning, Sakura," father said amiably. "You're going to be late."

Sakura gulped down her breakfast and managed to say, "Morning father, I really have to go. I'm almost late!" He sweatdropped. 'This is the first time that I'm later than usual,' she thought, irritated. 'I wonder what's going on.' As she roller bladed down the street, she didn't see Yukito there, and she sighed. But she knew she wouldn't meet Yukito out this late. Now she saw Yukito in a completely different light-at first, she had liked him. But after telling him that, he told her to think hard. the feeling she had towards him was more like the feeling she felt towards her father than anything else. And she had to agree with him-it was true. After that, she was temporarily heartbroken, but then Syaoran had helped her out there. She still remembered the day when he held her in his arms, telling her that someday she would find someone who truly loved her. It had felt so reassuring.but also very.could it be? . Maybe. But now he couldn't comfort her anymore, because he was in Hong Kong. So far away. But everyday Sakura would think confidently to herself, 'Yes, he'll come back-he'll come back to visit me.' She never lost faith.yet.

"Good morning, Sakura Kinomoto!" someone greeted her as she stepped into the room. It was her best friend Tomoyo.

Waving back happily, Sakura asked anxiously, "Am I late yet, Tomoyo?" and she sat down in her seat beside her.

"Not quite," Tomoyo replied, eyes twinkling. "But just. You know fifth grade has harder discipline rules than fourth grade, but you don't seem to care."

Sakura blinked twice, looking puzzled.

Laughing, Tomoyo waved off the remark and said, "better get ready, the teacher is coming in soon. This period will be math." Sakura groaned visibly when the word 'math' was mentioned-it was her least favorite subject. Tomoyo just smiled.

During math, Sakura wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was saying. Tomoyo could tell.

Sometimes she was staring out the window at the cherry tree, or she would be doodling on her textbook. Tomoyo acknowledged why Sakura was so distracted; she could tell by what Sakura was doing. The cherry tree was where Sakura and Syaoran often sat in the old days, and she was drawing Clow cards-Tomoyo understood, so she said nothing.

During lunch, Tomoyo asked Sakura if she would like to talk with her for a minute. Sakura nodded her head dazedly and followed her friend out the classroom door. They strolled around until they stopped at the old cherry tree outside of their classroom. Sakura slouched down in her usual spot, and Tomoyo asked, "May I sit here?" She indicated to the spot where Syaoran usually sat. "Sakura, I know you miss Syaoran a lot, but thinking about him all day long and not paying attention to class isn't going to get you very far." Tomoyo said gently.

She blushed, and murmured, "I know, but somehow I can't abandon the image of our friendship."

Tomoyo smiled serenely and replied, "Sakura, you won't ever lose the image of Syaorun, because you think of him everyday. And I can promise you, he will be thinking of you this very moment."

"I.I.I know that," she stammered, "but the way he left. it wasn't very long, if you know what I mean. I know it was very nice of him to give me that teddy bear at the end, but after that, he just ran off to the plane. It was so.so. so abrupt." Tears welled in her eyes.

Tomoyo handed her a handkerchief and said, "It's alright, I'm sure he just didn't want you to have a painful memory of saying goodbye forever. It must be that."

"I hope so, I really do." sniffed Sakura tearfully.

"I can but help of thinking about it though."

Tomoyo suddenly thought of something. "Don't you still have the card that your tear made when it fell on the floor? You know, that card.what was it called again?"

Sakura whispered, "It's called 'The Love', and I still have it with me in my pocket," and she pulled it out.

"Have you ever tried to use it and see what it does?" Tomoyo inquired carefully.

Sakura looked surprised. "I always thought it was just for gazing.since it was so pretty." She said as she let her fingers wander around the outlined shape of the heart with wings.

"Maybe you should try it sometime, because it was made because of your tears. because of Syaoran."

Tomoyo suggested. "It should take your mind off of him for I while." She smiled.

"Yeah I guess so," she admitted reluctantly.

When she got home, Sakura flopped onto her bed, exhausted. 'Don't think about him,' she thought, squeezing her eyes shut-as if that would help her forget Syaoran. Then it came to her.what Tomoyo had told her to try out. Whipping out the card from her pocket, she gazed at it for a few seconds. Then she took the key and said the rune, and it instantly became the magic staff when she said "Release!" Her heart thumping wildly, she took the card and threw it in the air, saying "Love!"

Nothing happened. Disappointed, she tried again, "Love!" Still nothing happened. Near to tears, she thought in deep in her heart, 'Why? I miss him so much, and this card doesn't work! Stupid card.' A single tear trickled down her cheek, and it splashed soundlessly onto the card. Suddenly, the card began to glow, and out of it sprang a pink heart. Mystified, she took the plush heart in her hand, and it burst open to reveal a crystal ball. Then, in the crystal ball's reflection, she saw all the memories she had shared with Syaoran. Hugging the ball tight, she cradled it in her arms, murmuring, "Syaoran I miss you so much." And then she lay on her bed spread-eagled, waiting for her father or brother to call her down for dinner.

After a few minutes, someone knocked gently on her door. "Come in," was Sakura's muffled response. In stepped her brother, a worried expression on his face.

"How did you know I wasn't feeling well?" Sakura demanded, because normally he would've called her little monster when he came in.

"Which person in their right mind couldn't see that you weren't feeling well?" he snorted, and then the worried expression came back on his face. "So what's wrong, Sakura?"

"I can't tell you," she mumbled, and buried her face into her pillow. But her brother persisted, wrenching the pillow from her grasp. "Hey!" she yelled indignantly.

"C'mon, you can tell me, I'm your bro!" Touya exclaimed.

Sakura wiped a tear away from her eyes. "You wouldn't understand," she said softly.

Touya pulled her into a bear hug and whispered, "It's okay, I'm here to listen to whatever you have to say." "I.I miss Syaoran very much; ever since he left Tokyo," she said.

A vein twitched on his forehead, but seeing her so sad made him shut-up. "Hey, it's all right, don't cry so much. Your eyes will become smaller," he joked. "Oh thanks, I just needed someone to tell me my eyes are tiny," Sakura said sarcastically.

"Oh okay, so long as you feel better," he mumbled, and walked out of her room. 'I'm so lucky to have such a good brother,' she thought.

"So, Sakura, did you try out my suggestion?" Tomoyo smiled.

"Um, yes, but it didn't work at first." she trailed off.

"Tell me about it, Sakura," Tomoyo asked, and Sakura did so reluctantly. After she finished her story, Tomoyo just smiled and told her it was sweet. Sakura nodded in agreement-for once in a week, she smiled brightly. "I have nothing to bother me now!" she announced to the world that day. Now for every class, she paid excellent attention, and she once again started to go to cheerleading practice. But she hadn't practiced her magic very often now, because there wasn't anymore that she could do to them. After all, hadn't she already turned them all into Sakura cards? Eriole had seen to it that she had. But she still missed the old days when she was always chasing after one card or another; it was dangerous, yet also very fun. Then she remembered how surprised she was when she found out Yukito was really Yue. And how pleased she was when she collected all the Clow cards. Those memories gave her a warm feeling inside. And she remembered Meiling, and how they became best friends in the end.

'But those memories are behind me now,' Sakura thought fiercely. 'I shouldn't think about them so often.' Then, another side of her was arguing, 'Why not?' Shaking her head involuntarily, she shot back into reality. Everyone was having a nice time during lunch, so why shouldn't she? 'Because...'she drifted off.

A dark shadow darted around then corner when Sakura was walking towards her house. Sensing something out of the ordinary, she whipped her head around, only to find herself staring into air. 'I must be thinking of the old days too much,' she scolded herself. With that, she turned the key to the door and stepped into her house. "Father, bro, I'm home!" she yelled cheerfully. But only silence greeted her. 'Oh, I forgot, Touya has to work today.but father should be home.where could he go?' she thought, agitated. Not giving it much thought, she marched upstairs to her room. "Kero-chan! I'm home!" she announced, and he came floating slowly over.

"What, you're home already?" he asked sleepily. "Well, it's four! Have you been sleeping all day?" she demanded, hands on her hips.

"It WAS quiet around the house all day, so I fell asleep without knowing it." He yawned.

Sakura's face became tight again. "Do you mean the whole entire day?" she asked frantically.

"Just about; hmmmmmm, after you left for school, I think," Kero-chan answered.

"So you didn't see Touya or father go anywhere?" "Well, I couldn't exactly SEE them, if you know what I mean, but I didn't hear the door open or close all day."

Sakura bit her lower lip unconsciously, and she decided to investigate. But when she went down stairs, an unusual sight met her eyes-things were floating around the room like someone.or something was holding them up, but there just wasn't anyone holding them. A coffee mug floated around as if Touya was holding it; it was just about his height. Then an even stranger thing happened. the vacuum cleaner was busy vacuuming the house, but no one was holding it. Sakura drew back in surprise, but as Kero-chan joined her, he creased his brow and declared, "It's another card yet!"

"But I thought I already captured them all!" said Sakura, confused.

"Well, Clow Reed just made another one!" Kero-chan answered. "Get that card!"

Sakura took out her key and said, "Release!" and the key turned into the magic staff once more. "Windy!" she yelled, and Windy came out of the card, wrapping the two SOMETHINGS up into a bundle. Instantly, the bundle appeared to be Touya and father, and as the Windy returned to its card, another new one also took form. Sakura let the new card drop slowly into her hands, and as the card became visible, there was no picture and no label!

"Huh? There's no picture OR label!" she exclaimed. "It must be some card that didn't exactly function right," Kero-chan chuckled. "Sometimes the Clow Reed does that by accident."

"Oh." And she put the card into her pocket, not giving it anymore thought.

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, Li Syaoran was busy with his own schoolwork, and he had no time to do anything else. Of course, there was no longer the need to learn Japanese, but. how would he talk to Sakura otherwise? He decided that even if he didn't really like learning Japanese, he would do it for her. Every now and then, he would take out a piece of paper and start writing Japanese characters on them. But the words that popped up the most were Sakura Kinomoto. Then he would blush a very deep shade of red and scratch it out hastily.

He often thought about when they used to go out and chase Clow cards for all they were worth, or when Eriol caused problems for them both. He was always there to protect Sakura if there was any trouble to be had, and after the thought about it, he rather liked to protect Sakura. Especially the sweet way she would thank him afterwards, it made him feel warm inside. He often wondered if he would ever be going back to see Sakura. Of course, he often dreamed about that perspective, but he never really thought it would happen. And then he thought about the day that he left; how deeply sad her face was.and there were tears welling up in her eyes. But he nearly kicked himself for doing nothing about it. Then.he finally gave her the teddy bear he had so long ago wanted to. They had often written to each other, but recently they had stopped mailing each other simply because they were too busy.well, at least he was. He was angry with himself for stopping the letters first, and he never wrote another one, in fear of Sakura getting angry with him. He seriously doubted that Sakura would ever get angry with anyone, but there was always a first time.

He rolled over on his bed, staring at the ceiling, at nothing. At her face? The ceiling now held the delicate features of Sakura Kinomoto's face.at least in his eyes. Syaoran reached up as if to touch her cheek, but the image distorted, and he was left in frustration. 'Exactly how long can I go on without her?' he thought painfully. He then made up his mind to go and find her-by himself, secretively. He slipped out of the house when his mother and all his sisters were asleep. Alone.

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