FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

k this iz the fifth chapter to the sequel heehee. here
Chapter 5-- Mystix
Then Syaomao turned his heels and left, paws
padding silently through the dense jungle foliage. "So
it begins," called the black cat from behind. "The
test." Syaomao closed his eyes to block out his older
brother's voice; he didn't want any distraction now.
His mission was to hunt the most dangerous bird in the
jungle-the Mystix. He soon caught the sweet and
alluring scent of the bird, and trotted in that
direction. 'A few more steps,' his instincts kept
telling him.
Sakura quickly followed Syaomao and where ever he
went, with Syaoran trailing reluctantly behind. Sakura
would often motion for him to hurry, with one finger
pressed to her lips and the other hand gesturing
towards her. "There's no need to be quiet," he told
Sakura as she turned around in surprise. "This is a
memory, no one can hear or see you." She looked
puzzled, but her attention was quickly averted to
Syaomao again.. He had appeared to lead them to a
Syaomao looked up, and Syaoran and Sakura followed
suit. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dangerous song
started to echo from every direction. But it seemed to
come strongly from one direction-right in front of
them. There was a faint rustle, and then the bush
burst into a green torrent of leaves. Out emerged a
pink bird, feathers all erect like a pincushion. Its
eyes were a blinding sky blue, glittering with
anticipation. Its beak was short and orange-and most
of all, it was sharp. The bird stretched its wings to
show how big they were, and they were huge. A beady
eye swiveled towards Syaomao, but he didn't flinch at
the gaze. Instead, he glared boldly back at the
Mystix, challenging it to make the first move. Which
it did. Syaomao barely had time to react before it was
upon him. One of its huge talons pinned him to the
ground, immobilizing him. He thrashed around in panic
as he saw the sharp beak descend closer and closer,
clawing and biting the oversized foot that held him
down. At last, he hit home-the bird squawked in pain,
taking its talon off of Syaomao. And he reacted with
lightning agility; using his own wings to power him up
to the Mystix's neck. When he was at a certain length,
he sank his needle sharp claws into the feathery neck.

The colossal wings beat at Syaomao mercilessly,
determined to fend off the winged cat. Finally when he
was battered one too many times, Syaomao let his claws
retract, and he landed heavily onto the ground. There
were bruises all over his body, and his ear was torn.
"I must kill the bird in order to prove myself!" he
muttered under his breath.

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