FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

© U.S. Cardcaptors: The Love Story ©
by: Umi-chan
Prologue: Departuring
The whole gang just won tickets to America. There all in the Tomeda school at age 10 in fifth grade. Touya & Yukito at age 17 in 12 grade.
Sakura and the gang were at the Tomeda Airport waiting for their plane.
Sakura: Where’s Syaoran?
Tomoyo: Maybe he’s coming here right now.
Sakura: I hope you’re right. Right now I really miss him.
Kero-Chan: Sakura, we’re not going to the U.S. for a love moment. Especially with that gaki, we’re here to capture a clow card . If you capture this clow card, Clow Reed will make you the Card Mistress & grant your wish.
Sakura: I know, but I don’t think I’m ready. Especially without Syaoran.
(Airplane sounds )
Flight Announcer: All passengers boarding Gate 56 to San Francisco, please
board now.
Touya: Come on, that‘s our call. Let’s move.
All: Hai!
Touya: Come on Yukito.
Yukito: In a minute.
Touya: What is he up to now.
Yukito: Thank you.
(stepping sounds going toward to Sakura)
Yukito: Here.
(ripping sounds from the wrapped box Yukito got)
Sakura:(Gasp). It’s beautiful. Arigato!
“(Weird, I feel like Syaoran gave me this brooch& he’s near, I miss him);__;
Touya: Come on!!!!!!!!!
The news. featuring: Me and Tomoyo
Me: Is Syaoran really in the airport?
Tomoyo: When is Sakura gonna capture this card?
Me: Will she become the Card Mistress?
Tomoyo: What will be her wish & will it come true?
Both: Stay tune for the next chapter of U.S. Cardcaptors. Chapter I: Arrival
Konichiwa, so good so far? Love it? Hate it?. Just don’t go too far. I’m new at this. This is my first fanfic. Anyway, just well e-mail me at cherry_blossom147@hotmail.com.

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