FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The wedding planer
By:gatomon my email:gatomonct@yahoo.com

Chapter 1:lucky

An 25-year old kinomoto sakura was home alone with
kero in her apartment.

"good morning,sakura,"kero said.Good morning to you

"Hey sakura,why are happy today"?

Well today,I have to be a maid of honner for a wedding
and I get to the wedding planer!"sakura said


"what do you mean cool?!"sakura ask meany

"uh, noting."



"Hell no!I'm not going to give up to be the maid of
honner for some pretty crapy girl!"sakura said talking
meany in her cellphone.

"Well You could be the wedding planer, that should be
good enough for you."said the bride.

"All right,but next time I will be the maid of

"why you want to be the maid of honner."

"well its part of my job to do two things at a time in
my job."

As she contiune to talk,something really happens.A big
trash can was come by.When it did, she was stuck by
her left shoe.she was totally stuck.She try to move
but it did'nt work.Then someone familar came by and
push sakura by the side.It was Li syaoran

"Li?what are you doing here!"she said.

"well i came back here and wanted to see you ,but i
came over your house but you were'nt so i came down
the steet for something.so i saw you here."

As sakura look in his eyes,she came closer and closer
until she kiss him.Li was amazed.

After sakura ask li if he come to dinner.So he
did.Sakura was lucky,Very lucky.

so how was my story?Is this good or not good.Well if
you have any question,e-mail gatomon.bye ^-~

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