FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Chapter 2
By Bluecloud-chan

Comments @ : blue2cloud@hotmail.com


"." speeches
*** change of scene
~~~ flashback

A/N: Sakura n company are around 14 in this fanfic.
Don't come hacking me with choppers, coz tis is only my first fanfic ^_^;


< I'll apologize to her today.I will.> Syaoran reminded himself.

" Ohayo Syaoran-kun" said Sakura with a smile but with sad eyes too.

" Ano." started Syaoran

"Hoe?" asked Sakura

" I wanted to apolog-" said Syao ran until he was cut short by-

" Sakura-chan!!!" said Ryan<What a parasite> thought Syaoran.

" I might be going to the mall this afternoon to get a present for my sister in the States I'll be sending it to hr by airmail and I suppose you're better at selecting presents than me.so wanna go?" asked Ryan

"Well." she looked at Tomoyo seeing if she had other plans, glancing at Syaoran to see his reaction but he just looked out of the window. Sakura sighed.

" Okay. Meet you at 1.15pm at the school gate" said Sakura.<Syaoran-kun might wanna tell me something after school.>

Bell rings for dismissal.

" Ano." he held Sakura's shoulder as she turned to leave.

" Hoe?" Asked Sakura questioningly

" Come with me to the lockers area where there might be less people." said Syaoran.

Sakura just followed.

" I..I.I wanna apologize.ofwhathappenedthatdaywhenIshoutedatyou, I'msorryreallyreallysorry!!!GOMEN NASAI!!!" He said as he finished his sentence and turned to run off.

Sakura called " Matte. Syaoran-kun"

He looked back.

" Wanna go for lunch together?" said Sakura

Syaoran was caught off guard but agreed anyway.

At the fast-food restaurant

" My treat " offered Syaoran

" Okay " said Sakura

" Omigod!!!!! I forgot about Ryan" said Sakura. She rushed off to the nearest phone booth to call Ryan through his handphone. No response. HE had turned off the handphone.

Sakura walked back to the table with a smoke-fuming out of his ears Syaoran. "So?" asked Syaoran.

" I couldn't get through." said Sakura

Just then as they looked out of the window, Ryan appeared holding a really pretty blonde by the waist walked by without noticing them inside.

Sakura stopped eating and pushed her food away. Syaoran looked at her with concerned eyes.

" I've no more appetite. Sorry to waste your money Syaoran-kun." said Sakura

" It's okay." He replied.

" C'mon. I'll walk you home." offered Syaoran.

-EnD Of ChApTeR 2-

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