FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 3

By: Bluecloud-chan

Comments at: blue2cloud@hotmail.com

A/N: HellO ReAdeRs . Yo~ long time no see better shut my mouth  heehee  I m really really really really sorry for the so very long time I took to come up with the next chapter..-_-;
Therefore, ought to tell you some bad news  this is the season finale of the fanfic  so  happy reading  I m welcome to have to hack my with choppers  coz this PATHETIC fanfic is only like 3 chapters  AAHH!!!!! Someone s coming to kill me with the choppers !!! XT dead. R.I.P.

As usual :

"." speeches
*** change of scene
~~~ flashback

**** in Syaoran s apartment ****

 That idiot  total baka  how dare he treat her like that   thought Syaoran    shit  I m getting all vulgar again  man  ought to control myself   as he started swearing.

**** in Sakura s home****

  Sakura . What are doing? Coming home at this time   it s gonna be dinner soon and coming home with that brat .  Said Touya

  You don t control who I make friends with okay? And he s NOT a brat  he treats me very well okay   replied Sakura

Touya stood stunned by her sudden outburst. < Wow  that is something new  oughta kill that brat someday  Sakura s totally changed  she never answers back like that > thought Touya

**** Sakura s room ****

<geeZ  I said he treats me very well just now didn t i > thought Sakura. < Oh wel  I said that already anyway >

Sakura tosses in her bed. < He s been rather nice to me today > thinking of the incident that happened in the afternoon 

Ryan s face popped up in her mind. Then Syaoran s face. Then Ryan s one. As if it was like the two faces were taking turns to pop up in her head. In the end, more and more of Syaoran s faces popped up in her mind.

< Ryan cheated me of my feelings he cheated me of my feelings  he > as she drifted off to sleep 


 Ohayo gozaimasu minna-san  said Sakura cheerfully when she entered the classroom the next day.

  Ohayo Sakura-san  said Tomoyo
  Ohayo Tomoyo  replied Sakura

  Ohayo Syaoran-kun  said Sakura

  Ohayo   replied Syaoran as he scanned the room for Ryan s idiotic face  hoping he d not appear and flirt with Sakura again.

Soon enough, Syaoran spotted Ryan at the door chatting to some girls from some other class. As soon as Ryan caught his eye, he walk over when he saw that Sakura had arrived.

  Ohayo Sakura  said Ryan as he flashed his so-ever-fake-but-gorgeous smile.

 Ohayo   replied Sakura not-very-cheerfully.

  Sakura  what s wrong?  asked Ryan pretending to be  kind .

  I ll tell you during lunchbreak okay?  said Sakura

  Okay okay . Outside the canteen at the lockers area at lunchbreak okay?  said Ryan who had secretly flashed a smug grin at Syaoran. But nonetheless, Syaoran caught it and glared at Ryan.


During lunchbreak

 Ryan   started Sakura

  yeah?  said Ryan

  Are you a player?  asked Sakura

  No. Why do you ask?  replied Ryan

  Remember you wanted to choose presents for your sister and asked me to go with you?  said Sakura

  Oh  that I was waiting for you at the school gate know  you didn t turn up  so I went home.  Said Ryan

  Oh yeah  went home  very funny   said Sakura as tears brimmed up her eyes.< He cheated my feelings now  he s lying even >

  Omigod  Sakura  why are you crying?  said Ryan supposedly shocked as he embraced her.   Hush don t cry  

Sakura struggled and backed away from him.

  I saw you with that blonde yesterday . I thought you liked me . Anyway, nice couple . I m not good enough for you then  go find that dumb blonde .   wailed Sakura as she ran off away from him  away from what went through between them .away from that sadness  away from his gorgeous smile, from everything 

  Sakura, I-   Said Ryan but he was out of her hearing distance.


Syaoran crashed into somebody as he was heading to take out some books from the locker. His books fell onto the ground.

  Ouch!  said Syaoran   What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me? Break my bo-  He stopped talking as he turned to meet the so-ever-familiar emerald green eyes but only this time  filled with tears.

 Syaoran-kun!!!  cried Sakura as she cried into his chest.

They sat crumbled on the floor and not getting up yet. With Sakura crying out her eyes and Syaoran shocked out of his skin. <Must be that idiot who made her to cry like that > thought Syaoran < I ll get even with him one day >

But seeing Sakura cry so miserably, Syaoran softened. <My  wonder if she ll cry for me like that one day  Nah  she doesn t even like me >

<No  I ll not even let her cry like that> thought Syaoran as he wrapped his arms around her and started comforting her.

Sakura s wail s quietened down  and turned into sobs and sniffs.

  Better now?  asked Syaoran as he continued to console her.

  Arigato Syaoran-kun  said Sakura as she smile tentatively at him.

<Wow . This is the most angelic smile from I ve ever seen > thought Syaoran. <Wow  I m on cloud nine >

Syaoran helped her to her feet and hugged her.

  Go wash up  it s almost time for lessons   said Syaoran while flashing his so-VERY-rare smile.

  Hai!  said Sakura who seems cheerful now.

  Thanks for comforting me while I was wailing my heart out Syaoran-kun  said Sakura through the phone when she called Syaoran to thank him.

  Sakura .  Said Syaoran in a weak voice.

  Hoe?  said Sakura

  You okay now?  he asked, concerned.

  Yeah. Thanks to you.  Said Sakura

Syaoran smiled again his so-VERY-rare smile to himself even if Sakura wasn t there to see it.

He was feeling very happy and definitely on cloud nine. =)



-EnD oF ChApTeR ThReE-

aka ~*~Season finale~*~

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