FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Wish Day¡K

A/N O.K. I added three new characters Yume-chan she special¡K she's telling us the story, she's a very violent girl and she likes to tease sakura-chan (her cousin) about her and Syaoran. Yokan-kun he's Yume-chan's best friend! Everyone thinks they like each other but¡K they don't :sigh: Kero-chan:"How come I'm not in the storyyyyyy! I read it a few times on Sakura's computer and I'm not in that storyyyyyyyy!" me:"Shut up!"
Sorry for the interruption¡K any way Shao-Fang¡K He's Syaoran's enemy ever since they where born! He loves Sakura sooo mush he would do any thing! To make her smile¡K but alas! He dose not get the girl¡K. :sob, sob: Just kidding! ^_^.


:: ::Sound effects
----- change of time


Dear Yoru-chan

We're 16 now¡K it was like yesterday when Syaoran came back¡K of course that was me and Yokan who did that¡K (as usual¡K Yume and Yokan " Shut up!!!" chases after Pichu.) I'll tell you the romantic story¡K

"Good After noon!" Tendra-sensai was infront of me, "welcome back to earth! Did you say good bye to dream land?"
"Oh gomene sai¡K"
"You came back in time¡K Class dismissed."
That when I saw Shao-Fang starring at Sakura, he had jelled brown hair, and black eyes. I got mad because Sakura-chan dose not belong to him¡K
"Shao-Fang!" I woke him up.
"Sakura-chan I-"
"I'm Not Sakura! Sakura has green eyes! I have blue!"
"Oh! Yume-chan¡K"
"Stay away from Sakura!"
"Because I know who she likes, that's why¡K" (Pointless)
"yeah whatev-"
"Yume-chan!" Yokan-kun interrupted Shao-Fang.
"Yokan-kun!" I smiled.
"L-L-Li Y-Y-Yokan?" he stammered.
"Yeah what?" Yokan-kun answered rudly.
"What did you want to ask me?" I asked.
"Well, come for some Ice cream, my treat. Then we talk."
"Li Yokan, asking Kinomoto Yume¡K out?"

"Why are you here?" I asked.
"don't know."
"Why are we here?"
"I, really, don't know."
"I remember the last time we where here, Syaoran didn't confess andhe went back to Hong Kong."
"is our last day tomorrow?"
"After that is¡K"
"Wish day¡K"
"that most horrible day for us!"
"Yeah if you make a wish at the wrong time wrong place¡K"
"anything can happen¡K"
"good thing Sakura or the others has never done that."
"yeah¡K" I said, "I know! Why don't we make Sakura's wish come true!"
"We don't even know what her wish is!"
"I do¡K she told me!"
"then what is it?" I saw Shao-Fang behind a tree¡K (she means those really skinny trees¡K -_-=3)
"For Syaoran to come back¡K" I whispered.
"yeah! We can Phone him and bring him here! Sakura will be so happy!"
"Yeah!" Yokan saw me glare at something behind him, it was Shao-Fang.
"Are you really that desperate? Shao-fang?" Yokan said.
"I'll find out what Sakura's wish is!" Yokan and I sweat dropped.
"You wouldn't be happy." I answered,
"Tell me! if you have the guts to!"
"O.k. it's for Syaoran to come home¡K" I sighed ' this guy is more stubborn than Syaoran :: sigh::'
"Li Syaoran?"
"Yeah why?" Yokan added rudly¡K (Yokan¡K I'll never understand you and Yume¡K Yume & Yokan "We heard that!!!" "Ahhhhh!!!!" chasing¡K Tomoyo "Will they ever learn?")
"I-Uh-gotta' go!"
"Come On! Let's Phone him!" Yokan said.
"O.K.! Oi!!! Matte!" I yelled, Yokan ran before me¡K

"I'll get it!" I offered.
"Moshi Moshi." I greeted.
"Oh. Knichiwa." A familiar voice said.
"May I ask who is this?"
"Um¡K This is Syaoran."
"H-h-hai¡K Who is this?"
"This is Yume-chan¡K"
"What are you doing at Yokan-Kun's!!!!"
"We're planning to Make Sakura's wish come true!"
"It's for wish day!"
"Who's that?" Yokan asked.
"It's Syaoran!" I exclaimed.
"Well¡K ask him!"
"O.K. O.K." I said.
"Ask me what?" Syaoran asked,
"for you to come back!"
"I would love to come back but mom¡K"
"don't worry-"
Syaoran who is that?" Syaoran's mom asked.
"It's my friend from Japan."
I thought you where phoning Yokan?"
"I was but yume answered the phone."
"Syaoran want's to come home!!!!" Yokan and I yelled.
"eh?!?!?!?!?" he yelled.
"What do you mean Yokan?" his mother asked.
"well to make a long story short¡K Syaoran likes this girl and her wish is to see him again."
"Sakura dose?!?!?!" he yelled.
"ohhh what a cute name." One of his sisters giggled.
"she is¡K -I mean! Yes!- no! ::sigh::"
"Syaoran¡K" I giggled.
Why don't we all go to Japan!" Syaoran's mom exclaimed.
"Yeah!!" his sisters cheered.
"::sigh::" Syaoran sighed.
"Can you came tomorrow? We can book the flight." I said.
"O.K. ::click::"
"Fine! Don't say good buy!" I said annoyingly.
"Yume-channn¡K" Yokan sighed.

"Hoe!!!" Sakura yelled, "Yume-chan wake up!!! We're gonna be la-"
"Yume-chan woke up 6:00 and left." Touya-kun said.
"She said something about a airplane."
"She's leaving?!?!?!"
"No¡K I bet she had to pick up a package or somthin'"
"well you better hurry because I'm leaving soon."

"Syaoran!" I ran to give him a hug. ( remember only a hug)
"Oh Yume-chan. Ohyao."
"Syaoran¡K you¡Klook¡Kdifferent¡K" Yokan answered.
"yeah well¡K" Syaoran blushed in embarrassment,
"Who is this, Syaoran, Yokan?" Syaoran's Mom asked.
"This is Kinomoto Yume." Yokan answered.
"Konichiwa¡K" I bowed.
"No need child."
"Yume-chan where Sakura?" Syaoran asked.
"She's at home¡K" I answered.
"Noooo! We're gonna' be late!!!!" Yokan yelled and started to run, "Syaoran here are the keys to the apartment!" he threw the keys!
"Arrigatou! Ja ne!" Syaoran thanked.
"Ja ne!" we yelled.

"remember everyone tomorrow is wish day so please¡K be careful¡K class dismissed." Tendrea-sensai said. When I passed him by he said, "Yume-chan you didn't fall asleep today why?"
"because Sakura' s wish will come true." I smiled.

"Sakura-channnn! Wake up!!!!"
"Yume-chann why'd you wake me up?"
"Don't you remember? Every morning on Wish day, us Kinomoto's, go shopping o a nice dress to wear before we make our wish!"
"well Hurry!"

"Hum¡K what should I get? Blue Chinese dress or blue cap pries?"
"Why do you like Chinese clothing? I thought you where Japanese?"
"No I'm half Japanese and Half Chinese. Hey!" I pointed to a picture on the wall, "doesn't that look like Syaoran?"
"You know Li Syaoran?" the store manager was shocked.
"Hai!" I said.
"Sorry for my cousin she met him in grade 4 and she has this huge crush on him and her wish is¡K to him again." The person I was talking to was Shao-Fangs Mother.
Any way¡K can I take there white cap pries?" I said changing the subject.
"Arrigato. Come Sakura it's your turn! What if your wish comes true?!"
"well¡K there's no point, Li-kun must have a girl friend by now."
"sakura! Don't say that! You're the card mistress!"
"Please not in front of the whole world!"\"Then com! Or else my S+S wish will never come true!"
"Never say never Yume-chan."
"Well you did."
"Hoee!!!" I laughed.

"I would love to see Sakura smile at me again," Syaoran sighed.
"That's her?" some on said..
"Ehh?! Fuujita-sama!"
"Sahe is cute."
"Oh Li-kun."
"Why are you here?"
"because my family wanted to come here and me¡K especially me."
"because of Sakura-chan?"
"I know why you're here."
"Yume-chan and Yokan-kun wants Sakura's wish come true."
"Jane! Li-kun."
'Tomoyo is right¡KI'm here because of Sakura¡K"
"Shao-Fang!" they gave each other glares.
"I heard Yume-chan say that she wants to see Sakura Smile her Cherry blossom smile."
"Yeah and?¡K"
"I tried to do that but she acts like I'm not there¡K ever since I moved here I never saw Sakura Smile like that at your picture."
'yokan was right! She has been spaced out.'
"Syaoran ¡K you can have her¡K she belongs to you¡K"
"¡K" then Shao-Fang left.
'What was that all about?' Syaoran thought.
'Did Shao-fang just give up?' Syaoran's Onii-chan thought.

"Sakura I'll make my wish now O.K.?"
"Are you sure it's time?"
"hai¡K" 'I wish I could see sakura smile her very cherry blossom like sakura smile forever¡K' I thought.
'I wish that Syaoran-kun would come back¡K" she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
"Li-kun! Syaoran!" she hugged him like there was no tomorrow,
"I missed you sooo mush." Sakura said, Syaoran slipped his arms around her waist.
"same here, sakura, same here¡K"
"As the gentle wind blew cherry blossom petals around my S=S¡K Yokan sat beside me and said, "It worked Yume-chan, it worked,"
"yes Yokan-kun¡K this is the greatest Wish day ever¡K" that's when I heard Sakura whisper "Aishiteru, forever Syaoran¡K forever."

The end
SO Yoru-chan ya' know love don't come easy¡K I'm glad Sakura told Syaoran¡K

Your friend,
Kinomoto Yume.

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