FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hi! My name is Ceroberos at andraestee@mindspring.com. This is the last
chapter to my two chapter story called Howling Wolf, Blooming Cherry

Howling Wolf, Blooming Cherry Blossom

" Speaking "
* Thoughts *


<Authors Notes

The diner was gorgeous. Freshly picked sakura flowers were strewn on
strings and hung from the intricately painted columns that held up the
neat little roof. Sakura was about to decline the offer thinking of how
it would dent Syaoran's budget, but decided against it when she saw how
his face glowed with pride.
The couple was seated promptly. Sakura was surprised when they were
directed past the crowd and into a small private eating area. When
seeing the look of excitement on Sakura's face, Syaoran just seemed to
glow more. They picked up the menus and decided what they wanted. Being
that the restaurant was French, they ordered crepes and then settled
down to wait for the food.
Well, at least Sakura settled down. Syaoran was nervous. He was very
nervous. He figured he would burst if he waited any longer. He took a
deep breath and said what he had wanted to say since 5th grade. "
Sakura, I have something to tell you." He began hesitantly. She stared
at him quizzically. " I love you." He said rapidly. A look of
understanding shone through the emerald crystals of her soul. Her
answered shocked him thoroughly. She had replied that she knew that
since they met and that she loved him too. Without realizing it, Syaoran
leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. As he pulled away, her
eyes glazed over with happiness.
After eating, the new lovers walked out the diner delighted with what
happened. The full moon overhead shone brightly. Out in the distance, a
little wolf raised its beautiful voice in celebration to the blooming
sakura blossoms as the night engulfed the spring paradise.

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