- sally.ram(K) Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally", ...yes that one. OH, GODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!BR>
- iwillhave.wav(31K) When Harry Met Sally from restaurant "I'll have what she's having"
- lookstup.wav(19K) "Do I look stupid to you!"
- worse.wav(34K) Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse "It'll get worse before it gets better.'
- scream18.wav(27K) Tatum in Scream "You are pathetic!"
- game1.wav(41K) Computer voice from War Games "Shall we play a game"
- fallen.wav(19K) Lady from commercial "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
- tbdo.wav(K) Chris Farley "What did you do" from Tommy Boy
- babble.wav(51K) Endora from Bewitched "What are you babbling about?"
- buttmunch.wav(15K) Beavis & Butthead "Buttmunch"
- prosper.wav(19K) Spock from Star Trek "Live long and prosper"
- umok.wav(14K) Lisa Kudrow in Romy and Michelle "um ok"
- rrmday.wav(40K) Romy & Michelle "Have a Romy & Michelle day..."
- twinkle.wav(30K) Bewitched nose twitch
- sensuous.wav(144K) Jeff Foxworthy "Sensuous you was up get me a beer"
- asif.wav(10K) Alicia Silverstone "As if!"
- arrr.wav(23K) Tim Allen's grunt
- asked4it.wav(33K) Bugs Bunny "You asked for it!"
- dym.wav(46K) Fran Drescher "Do you mind!?"
- denied.wav(30K) Access denied
- buhbye.wav(17K) David Spade "Buh bye"
- ohbother.wav(9K) Winnie the Pooh "Oh bother"
- mocking.wav(15K) Tim Allen in Toy Story "Your mocking me aren't you"
- morepower.wav(42K) Tim Allen "More power"
- snikes.wav(26K) Chris Farley "Holy Snikes"
- getout.wav(23K) Elaine from Seinfeld "Get out"
- hhhello.wav(26K) Parker Posie from Party Girl "hhhello"
- hellobaby "e; Big Bopper's hellooooo baby. "e;
- italkiss.wavA Woman Sending You A Kiss in Italian.(357kb )
- frnchkis.wavA Woman Sending You A Kiss in French.(282kb)
- cumout.wavLadies have you ever had the problem of cum stains on your sheet's or close well this new product is for you..LoL A Funny Wav.(317)kb
- candle.wavA clip from Elton John's Song Candle in the wind.
- himan.wav(10K) Bart Simpson "Hi man"
- beafraid.wav(24K) Rosie O'Donnell "Be afraid, be very afraid"
- slap.wav(42K) Carol Kane in Scrooged "Sometimes you've got to slap in the face to get their attention"
- 3steps.wav(9K) You would need 3 promotions to get to be an as*hole"
- addicted.wav(57K) I'm not addicted to wavs, no I'm not, I'm not, who me addicted to wavs no"
- beesndogs.wav(36K) Ray from Jerry Maguire "Did you know that bees & dogs can smell fear?"
- badman.wav(42K) Dorothy from Wizard of Oz "You are a very bad man"
- back.wav(11K) I'll be back-Arnold S.
- bodygo.wav(17K) Rugrats "Where'd everybody go"
- buzz3.wav(29K) Buzz Lightyear "To infinity and beyond"
- clvrdisgise.wav(46K) Winnie the Pooh "Now isn't this a clever disguise"
- anyidea.wav 26k Charlie Sheen, "Do you have any idea what will happen if you stay here with me ?"
- ahhh.wav
- badword.wav 30k Little child's voice, "Ah, you said a bad word."
- backthx.wav 21k Male voice, "I'm back. Thank you for your patience."
- bigdogs.wav 34k Female voice, "If you wanna run with the big dogs, stop pooping like a puppy."
- blunt.wav 27k James Coburn, "If I may be so blunt, who gives a shit ?"
- buyaclue.wav 28k Female voice, "Here's a quarter, sweetheart. Go buy a clue."
- claps.wav 81k Applause.
- damn.wav 24k Male voices in unison, "Damn ! Damn ! Damn !"
- demented.wav 50k Male voice, "This is what happens when demented people play with powerful toys." ( great error wav )
- exlaugh.wav 57k Male voice, "Excuse me while I laugh. Hahahahaha !"
- gangup.wav 18k Male voice, "They're ganging up on me. What'll I do ?"
- heybud.wav 12k Male voice, "Hey buddy !"
- ltns.wav 15k Female voice, "Hey, long time no see."
- mad.wav 22k Female voice, "Don't go away mad, just go away."
- fbiteme.wav 33k Female voice, ""Hey, fuckin' bite me !""
- neener.wav 14k Cute voice, "Neener, neener, neener."
- roadkill.wav 26k Male voice, "Road kill on the information highway !"
- watch.wav 32k Female voice, "Hey, watch where you put those hands !"
- yellowsnow.wav ...don't eat the yellow snow.
- wolfwis.wav 27k A wolf whistle.
wow.wav 15k Crowd in unison, "Wow !"
- dude.wav(30K) Michelle from Full House "You got it dude"
- fiddle.wav(25K) Scarlett O'Hara "Fiddle de de"
- getown.wav(32K) Martin Short "Get out of town"
- getoff.wav(27K) Beavis & Butthead "Get off my case hippy"
- hastalavista.wav(27k) Hastalavista baby-Arnold S.
- havmercy.wav(6K) John Stamos from Full House "Have mercy"
- joy.wav(10K) Ren & Stimpy "Joy"
- jetsnbel.wav(30K) Jetson's doorbell
- penalty.wav(73K) Five minutes in the penalty box for age and sex checking
- nobabe.wav(28K) Don't call me babe
- seduceu.wav(81K) I'm not trying to seduce you-to the tune of Macarena