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About The Wonderful Creature That is Me!

Tina the
     Troubled Teen

God, i'd hate to be as bored as u!

Still here? Guess u really want to know about me! Guess i should be flattered....

So, lets see, a quick 411:

(Proudly Canadian! In Other Words, Proudly Anti-American!)

Name: Hmmm.....never mind

Age: Hmmm.....never mind

Bored yet? hehe.....

School: Formerly from CE London Secondary, but will be attending Steveston High come September,


(My elementry school was James McKinney Elementry School. Best school ever! Bets and me #23 4-ever! Eagles 4-ever!)


Family:Mother, Father, Brother, im going to kick your BEEPwhen u get home!

Favourite Things To Do: BASKETBALLbasically your typical

obession. A page soon to come bout all things basketball. Hold on to them shorts.

Other Interests:What else is there? Whatever keeps me busy between

reading bout,
or playing basketball.

V-ball, Soccer, track, internet....blah, blah, blah


Click here to get your daily horoscope. Plus read about lots of other spiritual shit. I mean stuff.

Click the play button to hear "One Sweet Day" by BoyzIIMen, and Mariah Carey.