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"Flesh & Blood"

By Michelle

By Heather

My Rating: 7.5 out of 10

My Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Doctor/7 Rating: 0

Doctor/7 Rating: 0

Okay, what the heck was Janeway talking about when she said they had given out replicators to poor, starving people? Maybe in her twisted little mind they have! She seems to make up new protocols whenever she wants them to apply. What about the big scandal that was caused back in Season Two when Seska gave replicator technology to the Kazon? Janeway was ready to kill and/or start a war. But she just hands out replicators freely whenever it suits her?

She was also so quick to take sides with the Hirogen against the holograms. Let me get this straight: she knew very well they were sentient, since they adapted to their environment and broke free. So why is she so eager to slaughter them? How about hearing both sides of the story.

The Doctor is so predictable. I almost guessed the words before they were out of his mouth: he was ready to flirt with the female Cardassian hologram! I swear; he'll go for anything that moves!

I also knew that they would kidnap B'Elanna. It was delightful! I guess that's just my hope for a Doctor/B'Elanna relationship resurfacing... (I know, I know, she's a married woman...)

I was definitely not expecting the holograms to turn wicked so fast. It was an imaginative twist, but a bit unlikely in my opinion. One minute the Bajoran is lighting candles and praying for the Hirogen who tortured him, and the next, he is swearing vengeance on them all, and committing murder left and right. Or was his niceness all a scam just to win The Doctor's confidence? I'm still in the dark about that.

I see no reason why The Doctor had to apologize for his actions to the captain. It was not his foolish idea to give the holodeck technology to the Hirogen in the first place, and he was only doing what he knew to be right. The Doctor had no way of knowing the ship of holograms would turn against him.

The main moral of "Flesh & Blood" seemed to me like something out of an episode of "The Outer Limits". ('When the opressed gain their freedom, given the chance, will they become the opressors?') The holograms seemed very quick to turn around and do to the Hirogen exactly what had been done to them.

Well, it was a pretty good episode. A few things I thought could be better, but I enjoyed the acting and I liked the interaction.

Bottom Line: Two full hours of edge-of-the-seat excitement

It always bothered me how Captain Janeway gave away holographic technology to the Hirogen in “The Killing Game”. Now we get to see what effects her carelessness brought upon the Delta quadrant...

I wonder why Janeway gave the Hirogen templates for Alpha Quadrant races as prey. Is that really such a great idea? Shouldn’t she ask the races permission before doing so? The Hirogen are hunters. What would stop them from traveling to the Alpha quadrant in search of the real thing? She may have inadvertently started a race war.

During the first battle between the holograms and Voyager, I found myself cheering for the holograms. It bothered me that Janeway was so willing to take the Hirogens side against the holograms without hearing both sides of the story.

It was a weird twist to have the Bajoran hologram turn bad at the end. I didn’t expect it. I also didn’t expect Janeway to admit that she was wrong at the end. It blew me away!!! It also earned her a little respect in my eyes.

I really enjoyed this episode! The Doctor, B’Elanna, the Captain and the extras were great and I liked the story.

Two notes: Watch for the masked alien hologram… Doesn’t he/she look like Princess Leia when she goes undercover to Jabba’s palace to save Han Solo?!!! Also, I swear that the gold colored holographic device that B’Elanna works on is a member of the “Think Tank” episode who interfaced with Seven!!!

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