WHITE CRANE TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINETraditional Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest healing systems of the world.Through centuries of experience it has produced deep knowledge of human nature as well of the planet on which we live. Nowadays, our western culture is accepting Traditional Chinese Medicine not only as an alternative healing way but also as a sane complement to normal allophathic medicine. Based on the same supreme principle of western medicine of "not to harm";Chinese Medicine has gone beyond that, and emphasizes the principle of prevention. The main method for treatment in Chinese Medicine is the use of herbs as supplements for the body's own resources. Other widely used methods are:Chi-kung,Acupuncture and Massage. The Martial Arts have produced its own version of traditional medicine. Because of its specific needs it is common for a style of Martial Arts to have its own system of healing, whose secrets are furiously guarded through generations. The White Crane system contains not only the knowledge of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also incoorporates medicinal secrets of the Tibetan Buddhist culture,making it a unique way of healing. Sikung Vincent Chow learned his healing arts not only from his teacher Sikung Kwong Poon Fu, but also from his Sifu's Sifu, Grand Master Si Tai Kung Ng Shiu Chung, who was the third generation Master of the White Crane System and a very famous herbalist! Following one of the main principles of White Crane, "evolving and improving", Sikung Vincent Chow has found and created new ways of healing that contain the knowledge of the system as well as his findings. A healing treatment from Sikung involves herbal supplements, massage and herbal packs. Sikung has gained respect and gratitude from many people through his healing practice.(see Letters of Appreciation section) CHINESE HERBS