Before teaming up as killer and victim, respectively in the remake of
'Psycho,' VINCE VAUGHN and ANNE HECHE co-star in the
morally charged thriller 'Return to Paradise,' which they joined
together to discuss.
ET Online: Now for both of you, this is sort of a departure from the
comedic roles we've been seeing you in. Did you find that this was a
different kind of thing for you? What was it like?
Anne Heche: Definitely different from any comedic role I think either
one of us has ever done...
Vince Vaughn: ... Although probably some of the funniest stuff we've
ever done off-camera.
Anne: Yes. That was the thing- we kept trying to make 'Return to
Paradise: the comedy,' 'Return to Paradise: the musical,' but then at that
time it was called 'Force Majeure' which was easier to say. (singing) 'Force
Majeure: the musical. So this just offered a whole bevy of fun for us as
actors. Just a beautiful story line and the questions that it raises. And a love
story coming out of a very interesting situation.
Vince: And also you're working with one of the great directors of
thrillers- of this genre, Joe Ruben, who did 'Sleeping with the Enemy' and
'The Good Son.'
Anne: Absolutely, which was a thrill.
ETOL: Now, I would imagine you would have to dig
pretty deep in your characters to face these kinds of
questions. Especially you Vince, it really puts yourself
to the test of what would you do for your brother or
for someone you hadn't seen in a long time.
Vince: Which is an interesting thing to go through.
I'm listening as I struggle with my cigarette lighter. The thing about it for
me specifically is that, the character goes through it and he has to go
through it organically. He can't have anything to hit in and you'd like to
think you can go back but how do you really know unless you yourself
were ever in that specific situation. I think if I had Anne coming to me,
telling me to go back, then Iwould, because of the way that it was done by
that person. It wasn't about- the circumstances are such and such and such,
I think Sheriff doesn't go back. But it wasn't just that the circumstances
were such and such and such, but I see that you're going to act like this,
you're going to act like this- and that's all great. You're still here and I see
you, I see you, and that's the thing that makes you say, okay- I have to cop
to it. I have to take responsibility for it. If it was someone else, I think
Sheriff could have found a way, or even played by a different actress, I
don't think he would have had the same believability with everything going
ETOL: Have either of you personally ever been in a
situation you really feel like you've had this kind of
conundrum- you've faced something like that?
Vince: The closest I've ever done was taken detention
in school. Like stepped up so that my friends didn't
have to totally miss the field day. It's the truth- I did
it, I raised my hand and I was counted. If I hadn't
come forward we would have all missed our field day.
Anne: That's sweet.
Vince: That's who I am. You've never been in that situation- you don't
know what you'd do for sure.
ET: there's a lot of chemistry between you two, are you doing
more projects together?
Vince: Ugh.
Anne: Why did you just do, 'ugh?'
Vince: The word 'chemistry.' I just think it's funny that the word is
chemistry. I mean, it's a good word, but...
Anne: ... It's like a chart that says H2O.
Vince: I would just say adore-ment, trust.
Anne: What did you say, a doorman?
Vince: No, no adore-ment. Like,adoring.
Anne:Oh, I thought you said a doorman, like you open doors for me, I
open doors for you. A doorman.
Vince: Totally. (laughs) Watch us shine. I love Anne Heche. I think she's
a great person. Anyone would be happy to work with Anne. She's great,
great, great. I mean, look at any movie she's been in and any performance
she's given. Her approach and her style just brings everyone's level up.
Especially with material like this it's hard to convince that it's going to go
down like that. It's a blessing to have that.
Anne: You're sweet. You do the same thing. That's what it is, because we
do that for each other.
-- August 10, 1998