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~~Armz Of An Angel~~

In the arms of the angel...may you find some comfort here!!!

~~~~Safe In My Arms~~~~

In the midst you will find me
I am there alwayz, to protect and comfort
Never will I let you fall....I'll be there to pick you up
I'm your angel
I was placed by your side....not to we are the judge of our own actions
Forever by your side, forever in your heart, forever you are protected
Look into will find me....
For I'm your angel
You will never totally falter or fail
You may stumble on your wings reach out to you
By your side you will find me protecting, guarding and guiding your heart
I am your angel
Fly away with me....Fly with me in the light of day, and the dark of night
Your journey in life need not be alone
Your forever safe in my arms
I'm your angel
There is no price for such a gift
Live and love life to the fullest
For one will be someone else's angel
Your arms will reach out to someone, and be their comfort
Angel_Undercover 1999

Angel: by Sarah McLaughlan

Angelz Linkz