The Truth Is Out There.
Does Anyone Know The URL?
If someone was to ask me what I liked most about the Internet,
I'd be able to answer without giving it a second thought.
I love the way the Internet brings people from all over the world together.
Since my very first email from a girl in Austria three years ago,
I've met some of my best friends online.
People I'd never have met otherwise and maybe will never actually meet in real life.
But whether I ever meet my online lovelies or not is irrelevant;
Its been more than proved to me that you can feel close to someone
even though they're thousands of miles away.
My Silly Twin
It feels like I've known this girl forever.
She and I have been friends for about three years now,
and believe me, the insanity has only grown more disturbing. ~L~
But even though we're usually hitting each other with wet trouts
or screaming Muggle! at the top of our lungs...
I know I can always come to you when I'm in need of a good whinge about life
or just a bit of blissful escapism, and I love that I can do that.
~waggles her star covered toes~ I also love those socks you got me for Christmas.. ~g~
Thanks for all the beautiful stationery you continue to send me hon...
((hugs)) & *kismets*
You'll be hearing from me soon ;)~
Tifa, when I first met you, you were going through some tough times..
then you met your husband, and all the goodness
that had been beaten down, began to shine out of you once more.
You are one of the strongest people I know. ~s~
I know we don't get to talk much nowadays,
but the way my health is going up and down I see we are still
taking it in turns to be sick ~coughs~ ~l~
Thanks for being a wonderful friend ~s~
I'm thinking of you
It's been over a year now, since in all desperation for something to do,
I sat and searched online for somebody to talk to...
Somehow, I found my way to chathouse, and just a short while after,
The Halloween Party.
One or two return visits and an addiction later,
and I'm a reg there in Hallowz....
(Undoubtedly the strangest but best room of all).
There, amongst the other regs I've come to know as friends,
outsiders call us weird, boring, freaks, computer geeks and a whole host of expletives,
but nothing touches us ~ the mayhem still continues.
And for that little bit of escapism, this is my tribute.
The longer I hang around this room, the more people I invariably meet
and become friends with.
People come and go, but I always remember the special ones.
I've met so many people now that it'd bore you all to tears
and take you about fifty years to read
(not to mention that long for me to write)
if I put everyone a tribute.
To my best friends... you know who you are...
I love you guys.
And if by some miracle I've missed someone out,
don't hate me! I'm going senile...
memory's the first thing to go, ya know?
Just give me a smack and a bribe in Hallowz and I'll include you in a jiffy...
Here is the complete and unabridged Register of my Lovelies~bas~
PLURal *TK* BitOhoney Moog Malady
Temptress Miss Cansher StickyPaws Iconoclast Snuggle Bear
Brown_Eyes(F) Highway666 DarkPath Alith
Pixie Stixx LeKittKatt Punk in Drublic Nockie
fly4u Flame MoonBaby Rob@2001
Beyonce Bubblies FireDawg²°°Ή Access Denied
Howard the Duck Electric Funeral Charlatan Neurotica
Original Sin *F* Greysea Tigress Rodneo AOP(M)
Pablo X Taunie Dazed Angel Erica Mansons Whore Max(M)
Logan Tessa Canadian Diva *Tara* Melbourne Guy
The Bodyguard Dreamer_17_2001 Comatose Absence of Faith
Negative Creep Lord Draco Empty Circles
Suede*Thong Never Canadian Spice Celtic Girl Bambi
That Alex Girl! Crucifix Witches Rave
~StaceyK~ Horse Mr Majesty Jersey
:: Rest In Peace, Skeets ::
...You are missed...
Orgies, weddings, room invasions, public slayings of PM intruders, lesbianism and forum porns...
Cyber life doesn't get better than Hallowz
~curls up on the couch~
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