The surfer dude. Despite having never set foot near a surfboard in her life. First met her seven years ago on a hockey pitch, where I yelled at her for not playing properly. Then I made the fatal mistake of asking if she ever tanned as her legs were so pale. For four years I heard about nothing but Crete. Then she went to Turkey and I have heard about that ever since. She's silly enough to make me laugh, practical enough to be relied on, sensible enough to shock ~eg~ and sweet enough to show up at my house on a Saturday night when I was sick ~ when we both should have been out on the town with our friends ~ with a couple of Bacardi Breezers and the words "You couldn't come to the party so I brought the party to you." See ya soon babes. And by golly, you better leave that phone at home! ~l~
Ah, my little pasta queen. Believe me, you do not want to mess with this girl's cooking. It may just be something innocent like mixing your sauce with hers ~ glancing at Clare ~ but she does NOT forgive. Not even with the most extreme of grovelling. Travel fiend, computer whizz and all around party animal (when she can be bothered) every cat in the world reminds her of her precious Luigi. And Gem, if I hear you singing "Who Ate All The Pies?" one more time, I'm going to have to hit you. Got it? ~lmao~
On the surface, you might be fooled into thinking this girl is shy and retiring. But we know better ~nods~ ya little boozer you. Currently studying up at Wolverhampton, she sneaks back to Bristol when she thinks no one's looking and organises an often impromptu girls night in. Also, the perfect shoulder to cry on. She's the one who gave me the Colin McCarthy poem four years ago at school. And I still have it, slightly battered, a little torn, an ominous stain, but framed and kept forever. Thanks for listening to me all those times hon. Looking forward to our graduation trip ~s~
My drinking buddy ~g~ and a girl I never really knew until we were thrown together on holiday for two weeks ~l~ Although she is now living in bliss beside the sea, (although that is debatable, since no one has ever really seen the tide in at WSM) we still get together when she's back in town for a gossip and a giggle over the cocktails. Hope you come back this way sometime soon hon, I miss you ~sniffle~ ~l~
One of the nine year clan and arguably amongst the most adventurous of all of them.. (providing it is all safety approved and the risk to life is minimal..pfft!) ~l~ Always trying to get me off my butt and do something... Try canoeing, he says! (I do, get stuck ~ but emerge triumphant as Queen of the Rapids) Try rockclimbing! (He took it on board when I told him its not heights that bother me, but the falling from them... when I got to the top, he chained me to a tree.) And call me a wimp as many times as you like hon (you trampolining girlie wuss ~l~) but the Thunderlooper... that was just mean... ~l~ See ya around hon ~s~
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