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Mention to this girl the possibility of hanging out at Starbucks on Park Street, and she'll be there with her Chai Tea Latte before you've even finished your sentence. Which is somewhat of a miracle really, since she's usually jetsetting round the world or trundling round the UK in what I fondly refer to as her Chancemobile (think personalised, red, with daisies) for a considerable part of the time. We always have the funniest times, whenever we meet up ~ whether its hitting the tequila on one of our truly crazy nights out, or getting hopelessly lost on our little excursions. And of course, full points are awarded for sharing just about every one of my interests, especially travel ~bas~

The life and soul of the party... even when this girl is as broke as the rest of us, she always makes sure she has enough to go out on the town and get a few hours of blissful escapism. Joining the cheerleading team with every protest that it was only to keep fit (and absolutely nothing to do with all the muscular athletic american football players, of course), this girl is also a champion shopper ~ how we managed to spend about £200 between us in a few hours at the Mall is still beyond me. But hey... anyone who can debate with Adam Barnes so much that he swops seminar groups just to avoid being declared wrong again is pretty great by my standards...

My entirely too sweet housemate... always stopping by my room for a chat, lending me her videos or ~ best of all ~ being just as girlie as me when it comes to scary movies so we fall about laughing together when Ben tries to scare us. But when we're not laughing, we're talking about everything from soulmates to our past's and future's, and for always being able to come to you, I'll be thankful forever, hon. So thanks ~s~

Saying I never really knew this guy until we moved in together would be no understatement. ~l~ He can be debating the theories of evolution versus creationism in one breath, and be calling you a stinkface and mimicking people's accents perfectly the next. And he's always getting me into trouble with Francine because I can't help but laugh at some of the stuff he says, even though I don't agree with it. And if that weren't bad enough, he always kicks my ass at playing on his PS2 as well. But he was decent enough to teach me a few chords on his beloved guitar, so all is forgiven ~s~

There's one thing this girl is renowned for around University ~ if not Bristol too, since she's one of the very few people on my course who is from my hometown ~ and that is talking. This girl can talk for England ~l~ and she's a real party animal too. You have to admire her efforts in trying to drag me away from work in order to hit a club or two. She's one popular girlie too, always bumping into about a hundred people she knows wherever she goes. Hear from you soon hon, no doubt ~s~

Such a good and hardworking student, he is the stuff lecturers dream of, so naturally he puts us all to shame. This guy usually drops by to blast mummies to death with Ben.. and I'm happy to say, he gets his ass kicked too. Nice to know someone else plays like a girl. ~l~ Beneath that mature student professionalism he exudes is an absolutely shocking sense of humour too ~ I never thought you were like that hon! ~l~

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