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The Vital Issue

By Brother Gilbert V. Growcott

THE issue is not whether Christ "benefited" by his own sacrifice. That is obvious. He was obedient to the sacrificial death that God appointed, and as a consequence of his obedience he is now exalted and glorified. So it is obvious he "benefited" by his sacrifice. Even brother Strickler would readily have agreed to that.

The vital issue is: Did he require (by the appointment of God), a blood-shedding sacrifice for his own salvation because of his partaking of Adamic mortality, which is defiled (as a result of Adam's sin and sentence) by the "Law of Sin in the members," "the Diabolos," "Sin in the Flesh," etc.

And is this the essential link between him and us which makes his sacrifice effective for us as a representative of the whole race (and not a substitute)? And is it this which manifests and upholds God's righteousness and holiness IN his death?

Was Sin - the Diabolos - condemned (judged, sentenced, put to death) IN HIS FLESH by the crucifixion of the Sin-Body on the tree? This is what brethren Thomas and Roberts teach, and teach as vital to a saving knowledge of the Sacrifice of Christ.


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