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The Truth About God And The Bible
By Robert Roberts

Chapter 6: The Bible And Science

Science has shown in the lifetime of the present generation, that all manifestations of power are referable to a common source, origin or principle, though that common origin is itself admitted to be inscrutable. The doctrine is defined as "the correlation of forces": that is, that all forces have their root or origin in one principle. Now, that fact the Bible taught ages before it occurred to natural thinkers. But there is a difference between the Bible form and the scientific form of this doctrine, at least in the hands of some scientists. They say the primal force is an unintelligent impersonal force, while the Bible says the antecedent power of all things is one personal God in one universal Spirit. Scientists will not accept a personal God, because they cannot comprehend such a conception. They cannot comprehend how universal power should have a personal nucleus at one central point in the heavens, as taught by the scriptures. They cannot grasp the idea of universal power being, in its totality, One Mighty Being. They reject it because they cannot understand it. Do they give us something they do understand? So far are they from doing this, that they boast in professing the origin of things unknowable and themselves agnostic.

In what the Bible reveals concerning God, its divinity is as dearly seen as in anything. This is distinguished from all human conceptions of Deity, as reflected in the polytheism of confessedly unenlightened men. The gods imagined by men were limited like men. The God revealed in the Bible is declared unsearchable. The different powers of nature were, by the ignorant, attributed to different gods, which superficially seemed probable. The Bible attributed all to ONE GOD. Science has confirmed the Bible revelation of God to this extent, that it has shown all power to be ONE at the root, and that root "unknowable," which is only another word for the Bible term "unsearchable."

CHAPTER 7: The Bible And Human Nature

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