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Hints on Studying the Name

Throughout the Word, the Name of Yahweh is attached to titles to form composite names of God. We have listed some of these below. In the study of them, it will be found most valuable to ascertain the circumstances in which they were originally given, as well as the significance of the words used. This will provide a more exact means of recognising the purpose in view, in using them on subsequent occasions.

The Name Yahweh is prophetic, and proclaims God's intention to manifest Himself without particularly specifying the manner in which this will be done. The addition of titles indicates the form of manifestation. For example, Yahweh Tz'vaoth proclaims that He will be manifested in an army, and being prophetic, points to the time when the Lord Jesus shall lead the saints, as the army of Yahweh, against the world of darkness.

The value of searching out the significance of a Name or Title by considering the circumstances of its original proclamation, is shown by ascertaining the first use of El Elyon rendered "the most high God" (Gen. 14: 18).

First consider the meaning of the words used.

El signifies Might or Power; Elyon signifies that which is elevated, lofty, or supreme, and is derived from halah, "to ascend." This high and lofty Power is described as being Possessor of heaven and earth, so that the title is associated with dominion (see Ps. 93: 95:3; 83:18). in Psalm 91:1 it is linked with El Shaddai. In this verse, the one title expresses the lofty dominion of Yahweh, and the other reveals that He is the dispenser of grace in sustaining His subjects, or destroying their enemies. In Isaiah 14:12-13, El Elyon is associated, by comparison, with rulership. The word "ascend" in this place is literally to "go up high."

The Name was first proclaimed on the occasion when Abram returned from the conquest of the kings, and met Melchizedek outside Jerusalem. Melchizedek brought forth "bread and wine" as the type of Christ. The narrative is obviously typical, and foreshadows the future victory of the faithful over the forces of darkness, and their blessing at the hands of the antitypical Melchizedek following the conquest of the kings at Armageddon.

At that time, Yahweh will be revealed as the Lofty Power of the heavens, Whose dominion extends to the earth.

In consequence of his victory, obtained only through the help of God, Abram worshipped him as El Elyon, the most high God (or Power), whose dominion in both heaven and earth has been thus revealed.

The Name is associated with the Lord Jesus, for he is described as "the Son of the Highest" (Luke 1:35). This title likewise can be applied in relation to all those who are "born from above" (John 3:3 mg.), and such are invited to "set their affection on things above" (Col. 3:1). In considering this manifestation of Yahweh, therefore, His servants are encouraged to reach to a higher plane than mere flesh. This, indeed, is the purpose and value of the doctrine of God-manifestation, and the study of the names and titles of Deity.

The circumstances that induced the first use of the title El Elyon, therefore, revealed in type how that the Most High will use His authority, power and dominion to bring all nations into conformity with His will and purpose. Thus the title epitomised all that is summarised in such statements of the Divine attributes as are expressed in passages such as 1 Chronicles 29:11; or in the Lord's prayer: "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever."

Other significant composite titles are:

Lord God of Hosts -- Adon, Yahweh Tz'vaoth: The Ruler, He who will be manifested in Armies (Isa. 19:4).

Lord God of Gods- Yahweh El Elohim: He who will be the Strength of the Mighty Ones (Josh. 22:22).

The Lord of Hosts the God of Israel -- Yahweh Tz'vaoth Elohim Israel: He who will be manifested as armies of the Mighty Ones of Israel (Isa. 37:16).

The Lord our Righteousness -- Yahweh Tz'kenu: He who will be our righteousness (Jer. 23:6).

Other composite titles will be found in Isa. 26:4; Judges 6:24; 11:27; Jer. 10:10; 17:13; 51:56; Psalm 23:1, etc.

This is a study that will repay the closest attention that can be put to it.


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