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Hebrew Titles of Deity and their SignificanceHow they appear in the Auth. Version.
El (or Ail) Strength or Power. The One Supreme, Omnipotent, Spirit-Power of the Universe, dwelling in unapproachable light. God .
EloahA Mighty One. Deity is an Eloah, and so are those messengers of His who manifest His power. They are mighty because of the presence of El God .
Elah The Chaldee form of Eloah God
ElohimMighty Ones. El manifested in a multitude, each one of which is an Eloah, but combined are the Elohim
YahwehThe purpose of Deity memorialised in a Name. It is prophetic of His intention to manifest His nature (2 Pet. 1:3) and glory (Rom. 5:2), in certain ones whom He is taking out from the Gentiles for this purpose (Acts 15:14). The word means "He Who will be." LORD or Jehovah.
YahAn abbreviated form of Yahweh, used in the poems of Israel and incorporated into names of individuals LORD or Jah.
AdonLord, sovereign, ruler, owner, overseer Lord.
AdonaiPlural of Adon Lord.
ShaddaiMighty or Powerful Ones Almighty.
TzurRock, a metaphor for strength Rock, God.
El ShaddaiThe strength of the powerful Ones. El manifested through the "ministers of Deity" . God Almighty.
El ElyonMost High El Most High God.
Yahweh Elohim"He who shall be Mighty Ones." This title is expressive of Deity's purpose in "taking out from the Gentiles a people for His Name" (Acts 15:14). These people will be the Elohim of the future Age LORD God.
Adonai YahwehLords of He who Shall be. This title has a similar import to Yahweh Elohim LORD God.
Yahweh Tz'vaothThe militant title of Deity. He who will be Armies. It signifies the manifestation of Power through divine Armies of the future LORD of hosts.
Yahweh Elohim Tz'voath He who will be Mighty Ones (Commanders) of Armies LORD God of hosts.
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh"I will be who I will be." This proclamation of Deity at the bush announced His purpose to manifest Himself in flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). This was fulfilled in an individual, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:5,6,26), and will ultimately be so in a community: the multitudinous Body of Christ. The scope of the Name is revealed in two quotations: Isa. 44:6 and 41:4, "I am the first and I am the last." In the first reference, "last" is in the singular number, and relates to the Lord Jesus Christ; in the second reference it is in the plural, and is expressive of Christ's brethren "I AM THAT I AM" (Exod. 3:14). This is an incorrect translation. It has been corrected in the margin of the Revised Version.

In certain instances, the Hebrew words El, Elohim, Adon, etc. have been rendered in the Authorised Version by words other than those noted above, and in references unrelated to the doctrine of God-manifestation. Reference to this has been made in other parts of this work. For the purpose of the Analysis above, it is not necessary to list them here.


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