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            This is the name of the work we published in London. When we come to reflect upon it the publication was really a remarkable event. Having been absent from Britain so long we returned to it almost a stranger. Those of our acquaintances we found alive were of no use to us religiously; and those to whom our name was known by report, only thought of us as one who was “the greatest enemy of their faith.” It was therefore, quite an extraordinary circumstance that such an individual should publish an octavo of four hundred pages and dispose of nearly 1200 of them in a few weeks.


            The reader may know from this that there was something in connexion with this book that does not belong to books of an ordinary kind. It is considered the most readable book published on Bible subjects; at the same time one that requires thought and collateral examination of the scriptures in the reading. The author has been warmly thanked for its publication, both in public and private; and several have declared that if another copy could not be procured they would not take its weight in gold for their’s. This may be an extreme estimate of its value; but it results from the fact that it unfolds connectedly to the lover of the word of God that wonderful system of things which is revealed in the Bible. In short, it makes the Bible intelligible to the most ordinary capacity.


            Now it is proposed to publish an edition of ELPIS ISRAEL in this country. It can be issued in one month from the time of going to press. The delay will therefore not arise from the work to be done; but from the time necessary to obtain a sufficiently large subscription to justify the undertaking. As soon as 500 copies are subscribed for in advance the Editor will proceed to its publication. He feels confident that the circulation of this number of copies in Virginia, among people of intelligence, would produce such a revolution in their minds that men have not experienced in this country since it was a colony. There are sufficient brethren of our acquaintance in the Old Dominion able to take up this number of copies among them and not feel it. If they would do it they could soon dispose of their copies among their friends and neighbours, and thus expedite proceedings. But our work since we obeyed the Gospel of the Kingdom has been a work of faith and labor of love. Such it continues to be, so that we have no misgivings as to the result. Elpis Israel will no doubt be published, for the difficulties are infinitely less than those already overcome in Britain. All we can do now is to make the announcement of what we propose. The work will be well got up in New York, and published with an excellent likeness of the author, engraved on steel, by an artist in London. The price of the work will be TWO DOLLARS a copy in advance. The subscriber should be particular in giving his address and in stating how he would have his copy forwarded. Further particulars will be given as we advance.