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I learn that some of the citizens of Palmyra, or its vicinity, have felt themselves aggrieved by the statement in the Herald of May, that the meeting house at that place “was built by public subscription, with the express understanding that it was to be free for all sorts of preachers, whether orthodox or not.” I have no doubt you derived this impression from what I said to you on the subject. It turns out, however, that it was built, as I am now informed, with the understanding, on the part of my informant, in the first instance, who still adheres to the statement and who was a solicitor of subscribers, that it was only to be thus “free,” when not occupied by the Methodist fraternity. To this extent, therefore, the statement above is erroneous, and you will please make the correction for the benefit of all whom it may concern.


The said house, being now closed at all times against those deemed “heretics”—altho’ standing on public ground to the free use of which every man in the county is equally entitled, whatever complexion his religious creed may wear, it will be for those in this free country who go for “equal rights,” and are anxious to respect the rights of others while they seek to promote their own, to reconcile, if they can, the difference in this matter between profession and practice. It will not be denied by any one who loves justice that if there be a single man who subscribed to this church on condition that it should be used by others, when not occupied by the Methodists—and I learn there were such—it is a bold invasion of the rights of such parties, and of the public, to shut the doors in the face of those whom it is easy to call “heretics”—a charge which “christians” should be slow to promulgate, seeing that the martyrs of what they call their faith, have often been led to the stake on this very charge. It was against this accusation that the apostle Paul thus replies: “They neither found me in the temple disputing with any man—neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues nor in the city; neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me, but this I confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets,” &c. —Acts 24: 12-17.