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Burnt Corn, Conecuh, Alabama.


Dr. Thomas:


Dear Sir—After a careful perusal of the “Herald,” I am constrained to render you my heartfelt acknowledgments for the truths of the gospel of the grace of God which it has opened up to my mind. I am compelled to admit that you have furnished a key to the scriptures that manifests to our view wondrous things that have been hidden for ages—yea, “the deep things of God” are brought out and exhibited in their true light; and men of reason and judgment, and with a desire to know the truth, cannot fail of being convinced that your interpretations of the prophetic word must be true.


I am persuaded with the light before me that God’s word being true, we live in an auspicious age of the world—yes, “in the latter days” when the Almighty is about to reveal himself in power and great glory in subduing the kingdoms of this world unto himself, and ushering in the peaceful reign of the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Even so Lord God Almighty; “thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”


I am not disposed to subscribe to every thing advanced in the “Herald;” but only to such truths as are corroborated by the word of God. I have long since cut loose from human creeds, traditions, and opinions of men, and am determined to know nothing, but what accords with the revealed truth. You must produce the “Thus saith the Lord,” or I must reject your testimony, always holding it subordinate to the truth.


But I will close with my best wishes for success in proclaiming the things of the kingdom. I say, God speed you in sending forth his truth in relation to the coming of Christ to live and reign on the earth, and the final destiny of mankind. My faith is strong in the Lord’s coming this present century. It does not reach beyond it; and I almost think and hope to see my redeemer before I taste of death.


I am very bold in proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. Some are inquiring after the truth; and many are asking “What is truth?” May God help them to decide aright, and save them in the kingdom when Christ shall appear.

Yours in the Hope of Israel,

N. P.


P. S. —I have a great desire to see and read “Elpis Israel.” During the past year I have read much of Israel’s history in the Bible, and in Jewish periodicals, and must confess that there is something wonderful in the history and future destiny of that remarkable race. The pages of the “Herald” have shed a light along their pathway from Mesopotamia to Egypt, from Egypt to Canaan, and along down the stream of time through all their wanderings until their final return to Jerusalem with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads, when you and I, and all the Israel of God, shall be crowned with immortality.


O glorious hope, O blessed abode! We all so order our days, as to be found ready, and waiting for the coming of our Lord and King, should he come in our day and generation.


I am ready to remit something extra if it be needed to carry on the “Herald.” My heart and hand will always be open to assist in the spread and progress of the truth. My constant inquiry is “what is truth?” Buy the truth and sell it not. Being full of faith in the doctrine once delivered to the Saints, I am determined to hold to the hope of Israel to the end.

N. P.