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Conecuh, Alabama, March 15, 1851.

Dear Sir:


Although an entire stranger to you in the flesh, yet, having read your character in the pages of your interesting publication, I feel as if I were a kind of absent friend and have a fellow-sympathy in all concerning you.


I am much pleased with the bold stand you have taken against the corruptions of the sects, and believe that you are doing a great work preparatory to the coming of the Kingdom of Christ.


I have not space here to say what sentiments I hold relative to the principles you advocate, but have penned a few thoughts preparatory to some future communications which I may make if you should deem any thing from me worthy a place in the columns of the “Herald.”


I remain yours in hope and belief of the speedy coming of the Lord,

N. P.

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It has been truly said that “coming events cast their shadows before them,” and methinks it cannot have escaped the notice even of the most superficial observer of the signs of the times, that in human affairs almost every thing seems indicative of a fearful and sudden crisis. It is an age of enquiry—of bold and fearless enquiry—of deep searching for truth. There appears to be a general dissatisfaction in the human mind with every thing that has heretofore been thought, said, or believed. Philosophical opinions, human creeds, and traditions, which have stood the test of ages, and been passed upon as vital principles, upon which the whole fabric of society has been based, are now being brought to the touchstone of truth. Nothing, however great may be its claim to antiquity, is too sacred to elude the searching spirit of investigation. The present generation are not satisfied with merely canvassing the structure of temples which their fathers have reared, but are feeling for the pillars—the foundation upon which the whole fabric rests—and are bowing themselves with their might to prove their stability and strength; and whatever can be shaken will be shaken, and those things which cannot be moved must remain as truth “amid the wreck of matter and crush of worlds.” The world is swinging on, and one must be swift of foot to keep pace with the march of mind in every department of science and human enterprise. The present unparalleled movement of mind in every grade of society throughout, is unequivocal evidence that a radical change in the foundation of society is about to take place—what will be the end of these may be known only to Him who sways the sceptre of the Universe, or within the ken of men who observe the signs of the times and study the history of God’s providence in the world during the last 1800 years.


From a retrospect of the past—a view of the present—and visions of the future—a philosophic eye cannot but discern the signs of the most startling events about to take place in this drunken, sin-besotted, and Christ-rejecting world.


More than eighteen centuries have elapsed since the advent of Him who came to seek and to save his people Israel, and more than three hundred years since the (so-called) Reformation, yet the world lieth in wickedness, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the people. But must such things always be? Who will dare to expose their folly by an affirmative?


We have heard and read of the barbarous ages—the dark and iron ages of the world—and now what remains of this tempestuous state of things are but the workings of a troubled sea, whose waters cast up mire and dirt, and shadow forth in its deep bosom a time of rest, an age of peace—that golden age—foretold by prophets, and by poets sung. The crowned heads of Europe and the eastern world are trembling upon their thrones, as the beacon lights of heaven’s kingdom flash across their path, and the voice of truth from the prophetic oracle proclaims in thunder tones, “The time is at hand” when the kingdoms of this world shall be broken and all nations become subject to the “King of kings and Lord of lords.” To those who look for the appearing of the Lord according to the word of prophecy, the time seems not far distant. May we all be on the watch, and so fight the good fight of faith, that in the end we may obtain the crown of immortality through Jesus Christ our Lord.

N. P.