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UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD AND THE GORHAM CASE—A declaration signed by upwards of forty tutors in Oxford University was presented to the Vice-Chancellor on Thursday morning, in which the subscribers solemnly declare that, “in the discharge of the duties imposed on us by the above statutes, we teach and maintain, and, by the help of God will continue to teach and maintain, the remission of sins to all infants in and by the grace of holy baptism, and also the regeneration of the same universally by that blessed sacrament, not only as a tolerated opinion, but as an essential doctrine of the church of England in common with the universal church of Christ!”


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Josephus says, “God took dust from the ground, and formed man, and inserted in him a spirit and a soul.”—Antiq. B. i. c. ii. 2. And again, “God entirely forbade the use of blood for food, and esteemed it to contain the soul and spirit.”—Antiq. B. iii. C. xi. 2.