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            This is the title of fourteen “Lectures on Ancient Israel, and the Israelitish Origin of the Modern Nations of Europe and America, by J. Wilson: being the Third American from the Third London edition. In paper cover 50cts.”—Sold by J. Dingle, 24 Andrew street, Rochester, N. Y.


            We have read it, and can truly say with Mr. Bickersteth, “we have read it without any conviction.” The proposition contained in the title does not begin to be sustained by the arguments and testimonies quoted in the lectures. The text which seems to be the author’s polar star, is the saying of El-Shaddai to Jacob “a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee.” He rightly regards the “nation” as that of the Twelve Tribes; but the “company of nations” wrongly as “the Modern Nations of Europe and America.” A misunderstanding of this prediction has been the stumbling-block in the author’s way, which has precipitated him head-long into an abyss of speculation which he has not been able to fathom. The words of the prediction are Goi u-ke-hal goyim yihyeh mimmecha. The u here is to be taken as an expletive, and not as a conjunction copulative. The ukehal goyim is explanatory of the goi, and not to be added to it. Hence even, and not the copulative and, is the proper rendering of the wav in this text. The rendering, therefore, should be “a nation even a company of nations shall be from thee,” not “and a company;” or, as goi is sometimes used for people, it may be read, “a people, even a company of peoples shall be of thee.” This translation agrees with the fact, which corroborates it. The people or nation of Israel is “a company of peoples,” each people, or nation, descending from a particular son of Jacob. Twelve tribes or peoples united is one nation, and that the Israelitish, is the obvious import of the prediction of God Almighty.


            The above promise to Jacob was a repetition of that to Abraham, when God said to him, “I have made thee a father of many nations”Ab-hamon goyim nethathticha; and again, “thou shalt be for a father of many nations”we-hayitha le-av hamon goyim. Mr. Wilson says “he is the father of us all before Him, whom he believed; although to the view of man, the literal accomplishment of the prophecy has not taken place.” This is equivalent to saying, it hath literally taken place. In what sense? According to Mr. W., in “the Modern Nations of Europe and America” having descended from Ephraim, the Seed of Abraham, of whom the promised multitude of nations was emphatically to come! The words were nethathti I have made or appointed cha thee. When is the appointment to take effect? “When thou shalt inherit the world of which I have made thee the heir;” for this promise is interpreted by Paul as constituting Abraham “the Heir of the World.” If then the nations indicated be now Abraham’s sons, they are all now blessed in him; for Abraham’s national paternity, or fatherhood, is coexistent with national blessedness. But this no one acquainted with the state of the nations now, and what it shall be hereafter under the reign of Abraham’s Seed, will pretend to say. They are all travailing in pain to be delivered. “He is the father of us all.” Truly; but to whom doth the “us” refer? “All them that believe,” saith Paul, “circumcised and uncircumcised.” He is their father now, and theirs only in the highest sense; he is also the father of Jacob’s circumcised posterity in the lower, or animal sense; but the father of uncircumcised unbelievers at present in no sense, and never will be. The time is coming, however, and not very far off, when he will be for a father of many nations;” but it will not be until Israel is grafted into their own olive, and they and the uncircumcised nations, renouncing their idol-gods, and idol-saints, their Mohammedanism, Protestantism, and rabbinism, shall “serve the Lord with one consent,” and bow in homage to his King.


            There is quite a sprinkling of good sayings in the book, which may be worth fifty cents and the postage. We are much obliged to the friend who sent us the copy before us, because the gift is expressive of his goodwill, and we like to read good sayings wherever they are to be found. “The author holds,” says Mr. Wilson, “with many modern students of prophecy, that the prophecies must be literally fulfilled; and that Judah must mean Judah, and Israel mean literally Israel.” This is excellent. But unfortunately he turns it all into corruption by continuing, “At the same time he agrees with those who apply to these Christian Nations, “any of the prophecies respecting Israel!” Where is a christian nation to be found on earth? He says “they are the modern nations of Europe; and especially those of the Saxon race, whose glorious privilege it now is, to preach the gospel for a witness unto all nations until the end come.” This is egregious nonsense, and clearly demonstrates that Mr. Wilson does not know what the gospel is.


            He very properly makes a distinction between the restoration of the Jews, and the restoration of Israel, or the Ten Tribes. They are distinct processes. In another place, he says, “It is true, we as yet know but little of the Bible.” He has proved this in relation to himself; for though he has quoted much of it in his book, he evidently understands very, very little of what it says. If ever he come to understand the gospel of the Kingdom, the scales will fall from his eyes, and he will confess himself astonished, that with such a revelation in the premises he could ever have been so infatuated as to conceive, to say nothing of publishing, such a baseless fabric of a theory as “Our Israelitish Origin.”


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