“To be forever scorned for virtuous deeds,
To be condemned when most his thoughts are pure,
To be the victim doomed to toil and bleed,
And still the world’s ingratitude endure;
This is the glorious meed, the high reward,
That greets the patriot or prophetic bard.
“To be the sport of paltry gnat-like things,
Too small to call forth but the wise man’s scorn,
Though with their many poison-bearing stings
Swarming around, they cause him deep-felt harm.
To be pursued by tyranny’s fell hate,
Wronged and oppressed; this is the sage’s fate.
“Vainly we seek around for his reward;
Who hoards a treasure that a world shall win:
But be he patriot, statesman, sage, or bard,
His nobler guerdon must he find within.”
Elihu Burritt.