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            “We are not yet put in possession of that New Covenant described in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and quoted by Paul in the eighth chapter of the Hebrews, which is made to Israel, and, in Israel, to all the world; (for she is as it were the mediatrix and mistress of the nations at the time of her restoration) for the fourfold blessing of that covenant will by no means apply to any visible body at present on the earth; and only in the way of an earnest will apply to the spiritual church, which is invisible, and cannot be said to contain Israel, or, as little, to contain all men. We have had the covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ, and we have received the heavenly manna, and the waters from the rock, and the everlasting righteousness, and, for our faithlessness, we are wayfaring in the desert till the appointed times and seasons shall have been accomplished. We have not yet entered into our rest, any more than Paul, or the Hebrew church had entered into theirs; but we are looking for it in that city whose builder is God. We are under our prophet, who, like unto Moses, is conducting us; we have a prophet, and we have a priest, but we have as yet obtained no king, because we have not obtained the kingdom which cannot be removed, but look for it.”—Proph. Exp.