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            “When Christ had dedicated the New Covenant with his own blood, and become proprietor of the Land of Israel, it was his to do with it what he pleased. And because it hath pleased him to let it without a condition against the day of Israel’s redemption, and in the meanwhile to wait his Father’s good time, He is to be held the sole proprietor of that land in fee simple; and the Jews, with whom he shall confirm the New Covenant, shall receive it of him in everlasting possession: and till then, every one—be he Turk, or be he Papist, or be he Jew, or be he Christian—who says that one stick, one stone upon it, is his, is a liar. It is Immanuel’s land; and those who dwell in it would do well to regard themselves as mere locum tenentes; or rather, indulged with a residence there, until the time come that his waiting be concluded, “and the Lord shall no more hide his face from the house of Jacob.” This claim the prophet puts in, when, in one word, he calls it Immanuel’s land.”—Ibid.


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