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            THE ADVENT HARBINGER, edited by Joseph Marsh, Rochester, N.Y., is issued weekly at $2.00 a year. This periodical is in the form of a newspaper, and is a sheet affording ample room for correspondents, original communications, news, &c. We would commend it to the actual patronage of the friends of justice and impartiality. Carrying many independent way passengers, the reader will doubtless find many contradictory interpretations of the word; but the editor is no more responsible for these than a stage proprietor is for the opinions of his “fares.” The editor is a man of progress, who has passed through divers phases of error like the rest of us, and is still ready to advance at any sacrifice when his judgment is convinced. He is a liberal man also, and by liberal things he is resolved to stand or fall. After having had much to do with others of a contrary stamp, it does one good to find one who pledges himself to liberality and truth where’er ‘tis found, on christian or on heathen ground. He is not afraid to treat “heresy” with candor and politeness; and we believe, he can even look the gospel of the kingdom and baptism in the face without anger and tumult. This is more than can be said of editors in general; for both these topics have very heretical tendencies in their esteem. Take it then, and pay for it, or don’t subscribe; for he is not worthy of instruction, however much he may need it, who hath not common honesty enough to pay the printer.


            THE STUDENT is a monthly issued by Fowlers & Wells, of N.Y., the enterprising publishers of the American Phrenological, and Water Cure, Journals. It is very neatly got up and can be had at the moderate price of $1.00.