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            Advices from this city, the Seat of the False Prophet, out of whose mouth proceeds a Frog-developed unclean spirit, represent the French, or Frog-power, as objects of popular abhorrence. “His Holiness the Pope,” is also said to share this feeling of repugnance with his subjects. Repeated attempts have been made to assassinate the soldiers, and the French Inspector of Police has been severely stabbed by an assassin.


            It is also said that the Frog-power has determined to request the Belgian government to remove from the field of Waterloo, the lion and other monuments commemorative of the great battle and its incidents.

            March 2nd, 1852.


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            We have not yet forwarded the Herald to all in Britain who subscribed last year. We wait, at his suggestion, the renewal of their pre-paid subscriptions to Mr. Robertson, 89 Grange Road, Bermondsey, London.