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            There are three potent antagonists that stand related to mundane affairs, who propose each for themselves three distinct destinies for the nations of the earth, in which they shall each be supremely glorified. These three hostile powers are ABSOLUTISM, Democracy, and OMNIPOTENCE. The destiny which Absolutism proposes to carve out for the human race, is, entire and unreasoning submission, in things spiritual and temporal, to the imperial authority of mortal rulers, whose sword is their sufficient title to a sovereign and absolute disposal of the lives and fortunes of mankind for ever. Under this condition of affairs that “order” would reign throughout the earth, which is the watchword of reactionism, and which now triumphs amid popular groans and execrations in Rome, Naples, and Vienna. Representative government would be abolished; priestism, which among the nations is diabolism, —God-dishonouring, soul-destroying, men-corrupting and debasing, superstition, —would be established; civil and religious freedom, the voice of truth and righteousness, the Bible and the Press, would be all suppressed; the human mind, by being reduced to inaction, would be prostrated—enfeebled, idiotised; and the race would become universally brutish, and fit only for beasts of burden to their imperial masters. This is what Absolutism will establish in the world if it can. It already exists in Rome, Vienna, and St. Petersburg, where its effects are conspicuous in the miserable creatures whose souls are devoted to its law. Would not the universal and eternal triumph of Absolutism over the earth fully realise the idea of HELL! Yea, verily, but with this exception, that it would be the friends of freedom, righteousness, and truth, would be tormented and made to burn therein, and not the wicked! Yes, it would be “Hell;” and whenever in whole, or in part, such a consummation should obtain, there would be manifested “the Dragon, the old Serpent, surnamed the Devil and Satan.” Unfortunately for the Germanic, Sclavonic, and Romanian nations of continental Europe and Asia, their destiny is to be subjected to this power. Happily, however, it will not triumph over them for ever; yet sufficiently long to fill the heart of humanity with dismay; but not long enough to idiotise their minds. There is hope of deliverance, but that deliverance cometh not from man.


            ABSOLUTISM is the enemy of God and man; while DEMOCRACY, which is not obedient to God, wishes well to itself. It is the prophet of what it conceives to be the interests of humanity; and is, therefore, the natural antagonist to Absolutism, which seeks only the gratification and glorification of its own satanic selfishness.


            DEMOCRACY predicts a destiny for all the nations of the earth, which, through their own efforts, they shall attain by the overthrow and entire destruction of Absolutism in its present divided form; and in which every nation shall have its own constitutional government elected by universal suffrage. It predicts that all governments will then be republican; and that consequently all popes, emperors, kings, priests, and aristocracies will be suppressed: that every man will be his own priest and prophet, and worship God, or not, as he pleases, and according to his own forms: that “the largest liberty” short of absolute anarchy will prevail; that the press will be untrammelled; the earth, a perfect network of railways, telegraph lines, and steamboat routes; and its lands equitably apportioned among its inhabitants, so that every man may have a vine and fig-tree of his own: that education will be universal; that agriculture and commerce, arts and manufactures, literature, science, and philosophy, will be perfect and unboundedly prosperous: and that the nations, having then accomplished the work of their own redemption and regeneration by the sword, by education, and philosophy, will constitute one universal brotherhood, which shall perpetuate itself by its own wisdom and virtue upon the earth for ever.


            Now, which of these destinies do our readers prefer? In which of them would they like to live? If they have the feeling of enlightened men, they would without hesitation reply, “In the Destiny which Democracy predicts.” But if their hearts be hardened, and their feelings perverted and blunted by sin, they will prefer the destiny which Absolutism is preparing for the world—a power that delights in evil, and rejoices in human woe.


            It will be remembered that Democracy confides in its own prowess for the introduction of its millennium upon earth. It proposes to falsify the predictions of its enemy by an appeal to arms; while Absolutism threatens to suppress the Democracy itself in toto by the same means. Both parties are in earnest even unto blood; but both hesitate to begin the work of death, knowing that it must end in the ruin of one or the other. Now let the reader mark what we say—the Bible reveals that the war commenced will end in the ruin of both, one after the other; and in the introduction of a destiny that will falsify the predictions of Absolutism and Democracy, and relieve the world of the presence of them both.


            OMNIPOTENCE hath decreed a destiny for the world, in which the happiness of all nations will be in harmony with the rights of Jesus Christ, and the honour due to God. Thee rights of the Lord Christ are based upon the underived, inherent, sovereignty of the Creator of all things, who has the indefeasible right to dispose of mankind and their affairs according to his own will and pleasure. In conformity with this principle he has decreed that all governments now existing, or that shall exist, shall be transferred to Him—peaceably, if they will; by force and arms, if they refuse: under any circumstances they must be His. OMNIPOTENCE victorious, the Eternal and Incorruptible God presents the absolute dominion over all peoples to the Lord God, his well beloved Son, whom he authorises to appoint over the nations whomsoever he pleases. Being possessed of all authority in the heaven and the earth, Jesus, the divinely constituted King, places the lives and fortunes of men at the disposal of his brethren, the Saints, whom he associates with himself in the government off the conquered world. Every one a king and a priest to God, the Saints become the lords spiritual and temporal, the royal princes of the nations. Having been once mortal men, denizens of a state then passed away in relation to themselves, they are now incorruptible and deathless, having risen from the dead to eternal life. In the passed state their faith in God, and their character for truth and righteousness were severely tried. They were condemned by men as evil; but justified of God, and promoted to the honour, power, glory, and riches off his dominion. By such is the world to be ruled in the future state—by a Hierarchy, or Sacred Order, of immortal and righteous men. Under these, the nations will be wisely, justly, and strongly governed. Standing armies will be disbanded; peace that cannot be disturbed by war’s alarms will be established; good will obtain among all classes of society; the poor and needy will be cared for; ignorance and superstition; (By superstition is meant Paganism, Mohammedanism, Catholicism, and Protestantism by whatever name professed. All religion is superstition which is not appointed by divine authority;) will be exterminated; the fertility of the earth will be increased; the duration of human life extended; trade and commerce regulated upon just and liberal principles; vice, suppressed; evil, restrained; good triumphant; all nations of one enlightened faith; and the will of God performed on earth as it is in heaven. Such is the blessedness Omnipotence hath in store for future generations of nations. It is manifest, however, that so long as Democracy and Absolutism prevail such a destiny must be in abeyance; for the contemporary existence of either of them is incompatible with the sovereignty of Jesus and his brethren as princes over all the earth. Absolutism will subdue the Democracy of Europe, and prove to this generation the falsity of its predictions. It is cheering, however, to the believer to know that the triumph of Absolutism is only temporary, and that although it have crushed Democratic liberty, God has something better in reversion for mankind. The honour of “breaking to pieces the Oppressor” he has conferred upon Jesus, the redeemer and enlightener of the nations. He, the King of the Jews, with Israel, and the Saints, are the regenerating army under his vicegerency, with which he will combat the destroyers of the people, break in pieces and consume all their kingdoms, and plant the liberty of truth and righteousness in the earth. Then will the gospel of the kingdom have become a fact, and all the nations will be actually blessed in Abraham and his Seed—Galatians 3: 8.