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            When error takes hold of the human mind it is very difficult to eradicate it, especially from the hearts of those who know nothing, and care nothing about the sure prophetic word. The original vitality of Campbellism is extinct; and the sect here is only kept together by the schemes and speculations of its spiritual merchants. A Jerusalem mission, a new version of the scriptures, “union,” college endowments, organization, support of the “Reverends,” with Sunday schools, and periodicals without life, independence, or instruction—are the existing substitutes for exposition of the word, and contention for the truth. Their pulpits and journals are closed against every thing but Bethany divinity, and the equally shallow speculations of sectarian scribes and orators. This, however, is good policy, on the principle of shut out the light, and darkness may rule in peace. Whether the people of the sect will consent to be hoodwinked in this way perpetually, I cannot say. At present they are in a lethargy, and seem quite content to be led by the blind, provided they are not disturbed in the enjoyment and pursuit of earthly things. If they will neither hear nor read beyond the circle of their own little sphere, there is but a sorry prospect of their eyes being opened to the strong delusion under which they lie. We trust, however, that “a change may come over them for the better;” and that in the providence of God the truth may get at the good and honest hearts among them, and awake them to righteousness ere the Lord appear and shut the door. To promote this desirable consummation we endure the wrathful outpourings of their scribes with undisturbed and cheerful equanimity, being assured that the time is not distant when He that comes will come, and put to silence the ignorance and malevolence of foolish men; and reward those who believe and defend his truth through evil as well as through good report.