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            There are three more numbers after this to the end of the volume. We have thought therefore that it is time to remind our friends in Britain, Nova Scotia, and Canada West, that our rule is to discontinue all papers to subscribers in those countries at the end of the volume. The reason of this is because we have to prepay the postage on all we send out of the United States. We discontinue, that we may not lose subscription and postage; the latter amounting to nearly 30 dollars a year. We have no fault to find with our present subscribers. We adopt the rule to prevent embarrassment; and apply it without partiality.


            All then, in Britain, who wish the next volume, will please send in their names, residences, and subscriptions to R. Robertson, Esq., in orders on the Dock Head Post Office, Bermondsey, Surrey. Those in Nova Scotia, to Messrs. Lithgow & Jenkins, to either of them, Halifax; and Canadians, to Geo. L. Scott, Paris, C. W; or direct to the editor. By attending to this promptly we shall make a fair start again in January 1853.



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