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            In reply to an inquiry, our learned friend of Bethany says, that a philologist who does not understand the scriptures is not competent to translate them currently. We are glad to see that we agree with him in something. No pagan Greek, nor blind Hebraist, can transfer the thoughts and purposes of God from the tongues of Moses and Plato, into the Queen’s English. Hence our friend’s utter incapacity for the work, which is much to be deplored, seeing that he is Supervisor of 300,000 ‘immortal souls,’ or more, who look up to him as an oracle. A man who is ignorant of what Christ’s mission is, may ‘speak Greek’ with as much facility as ‘pigs squeak,’ and make a speech on every line of Homer in the same tongue, and yet be baffled by a New Testament query of a single sentence. The world will never behold a critically trustworthy version of the Bible till the Lord comes. That event will confound all orthodox criticisms, and leave our learned friend and his Memphis associates among the dunces!



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